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List of 10-letter words containing

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There are 18 ten-letter words containing A, D, E, M, 2R and U

BREADCRUMBbreadcrumb n. (Chiefly in the plural) A tiny piece of bread, either one that falls from bread as it is cut or eaten…
breadcrumb n. (Graphical user interface, chiefly in the plural) A single link in a chain indicating the hierarchical…
breadcrumb n. (Figuratively, in the plural) One in a series of clues leading to a person or place.
DEMURRABLEdemurrable adj. That may be demurred to.
DEMURRABLE adj. that may be demurred to.
DEMURRAGESdemurrages n. Plural of demurrage.
DEMURRAGE n. undue delay or detention of a vessel, railway wagon, etc., and thus in the completion of a contract; compensation for such detention.
DRAMATURGEdramaturge n. (Rare, theater) Someone who writes or adapts theater plays, a playwright, dramatist, especially one…
dramaturge n. (Rare, theater) A literary adviser or editor in a theater, opera, or film company that researches, selects…
dramaturge v. (Transitive, intransitive, rare, theater) To act as a dramaturge.
DRUGMAKERSdrugmakers n. Plural of drugmaker.
DRUGMAKER n. one who manufactures drugs.
DRUMBEATERdrumbeater n. One who beats a drum.
drumbeater n. (Figuratively) A propagandist.
DRUMBEATER n. one who makes drumbeats.
EMBRASUREDembrasured adj. Having embrasures.
EMBRASURED adj. having an embrasure, a loophole in fortifications.
HARRUMPHEDharrumphed v. Simple past tense and past participle of harrumph.
HARRUMPH v. to clear one's throat noisily in annoyance, also HARUMPH.
LUMBERYARDlumberyard n. A facility dedicated to the preparation and/or sale of lumber.
lumber␣yard n. A merchant that sells finished wood products used to build objects, such as some furniture and fixtures…
LUMBERYARD n. a yard where a stock of lumber is kept for sale.
MAUNDERERSmaunderers n. Plural of maunderer.
MAUNDERER n. one who maunders.
MERCURATEDMERCURATE v. to mercurialize or treat with mercury.
MURDERBALLmurderball n. A team sport resembling dodgeball in which players are eliminated ("murdered") by being struck with the ball.
murderball n. Wheelchair rugby.
MURDERBALL n. a form of rugby played in wheelchairs by people afflicted with quadriplegia.
MUSTARDIERMUSTARDY adj. like mustard.
QUADRIREMEquadrireme n. (History, nautical) a galley with four banks of oars, each rowed by two oarsmen.
QUADRIREME n. an ancient ship with four banks of oars.
REMEASUREDremeasured v. Simple past tense and past participle of remeasure.
REMEASURE v. to measure again; to retrace.
UNARMOUREDunarmoured adj. Without armour. Often used to describe people, things, or situations where armour would normally be encountered.
UNARMOURED adj. not armoured, also UNARMORED.
UNMARRIEDSunmarrieds n. Plural of unmarried.
UNMARRIED n. one who is unmarried.
UNREMARKEDunremarked adj. (Often with "upon") Not the subject of any remark.
unremarked adj. Not remarked or noticed; unnoticed.
UNREMARKED adj. not remarked.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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