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List of 10-letter words containing

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There are 14 ten-letter words containing A, D, E, H, N, O and U

AUDIPHONESaudiphones n. Plural of audiphone.
AUDIPHONE n. an instrument which, pressed against the teeth, communicates sounds through the bones to the ears.
EARTHBOUNDearthbound adj. Confined to the Earth; unable to leave Earth, either physically or spiritually.
earthbound adj. (Science fiction) Heading towards Earth.
earthbound adj. (Figuratively) Unimaginative or mundane.
GAZEHOUNDSgazehounds n. Plural of gazehound.
gaze-hounds n. Plural of gaze-hound (alternative form of gazehounds).
GAZEHOUND n. a hound that pursues by the sight rather than by the scent.
HEADCOUNTSheadcounts n. Plural of headcount.
head␣counts n. Plural of head count.
HEADCOUNT n. a count of people present.
HEXANDROUShexandrous adj. Alternative form of hexandrian.
HEXANDROUS adj. having six stamens, also HEXANDRIAN.
MUTTONHEADmuttonhead n. (Britain, slang) A stupid or foolish person.
MUTTONHEAD n. a heavy, stupid person.
OUTHANDLEDouthandled v. Simple past tense and past participle of outhandle.
OUTHANDLE v. to handle better than.
OUTHANDLESouthandles v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of outhandle.
OUTHANDLE v. to handle better than.
OUTTHANKEDoutthanked v. Simple past tense and past participle of outthank.
OUTTHANK v. to surpass in thanking.
UNANCHOREDunanchored v. Simple past tense and past participle of unanchor.
unanchored adj. Not anchored; free or liberated.
UNANCHOR v. to loose from anchorage.
UNFATHOMEDunfathomed adj. Of unknown depth.
unfathomed adj. Not explored or understood.
UNFATHOMED adj. not fathomed.
UNHALLOWEDunhallowed adj. Not hallowed or blessed; unholy.
UNHALLOW v. to profane.
UNHANDSOMEunhandsome adj. Not handsome.
UNHANDSOME adj. not handsome.
UNSHADOWEDunshadowed adj. Not shadowed; not covered by a shadow.
UNSHADOW v. to remove from shadow, clear of shadow.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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