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List of 10-letter words containing

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There are 16 ten-letter words containing A, D, E, G, R, S and V

BAVARDAGESBAVARDAGE n. (French) small talk or chitchat; idle chatter.
EVERGLADESeverglades n. Plural of everglade.
Everglades prop.n. An area of subtropical marshland in southern Florida.
Everglades prop.n. The Everglades National Park, a national park in south of the Everglades.
GRAVESIDESgravesides n. Plural of graveside.
GRAVESIDE n. the area around a grave.
GRAVEYARDSgraveyards n. Plural of graveyard.
GRAVEYARD n. a burial ground.
GRAVIDNESSgravidness n. The condition of being gravid; pregnancy.
GRAVIDNESS n. the state of being gravid.
LANDGRAVESlandgraves n. Plural of landgrave.
LANDGRAVE n. (historical) a German nobleman of a rank corresponding to that of an earl in England and of a count in France.
OVERDOSAGEoverdosage n. Excessive dosage; taking too much of a pharmaceutical drug.
OVERDOSAGE n. an overdose.
OVERGRADESovergrades v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of overgrade.
OVERGRADE v. to grade too highly.
READVISINGreadvising v. Present participle of readvise.
READVISE v. to advise again.
SAVEGARDEDSAVEGARD v. (Spenser) to safeguard.
STRAVAIGEDstravaiged v. Simple past tense and past participle of stravaig.
STRAVAIG v. (Scots) to wander aimlessly, also STRAVAGE, STRAYVE.
VIDEOGRAMSvideograms n. Plural of videogram.
VIDEOGRAM n. a commercial video film.
VULGARISEDvulgarised v. Simple past tense and past participle of vulgarise.
VULGARISE v. to make vulgar, or common, also VULGARIZE.
WALDGRAVESwaldgraves n. Plural of waldgrave.
WALDGRAVE n. (German) a former German title of count; a head forest ranger, also WILDGRAVE.
WILDGRAVESwildgraves n. Plural of wildgrave.
WILDGRAVE n. (German) a former German title of count; a head forest ranger, also WALDGRAVE.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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