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There are 20 ten-letter words containing A, D, E, F, L and 2S

CLASSIFIEDclassified v. Simple past tense and past participle of classify.
classified adj. Sorted into classes or categories.
classified adj. Formally assigned by a government to one of several levels of sensitivity, usually (in English) top…
DAMSELFISHdamselfish n. Any of a number of fish in the Pomacentridae family.
DAMSELFISH n. a small brightly-coloured tropical fish.
DEALFISHESdealfishes n. Plural of dealfish.
DEALFISH n. a kind of marine fish, aka ribbonfish.
DECLASSIFYdeclassify v. To remove the classification from; to lift the restrictions on.
DECLASSIFY v. to remove or reduce the security classification of.
DISEASEFULdiseaseful adj. Abounding with disease; producing diseases.
diseaseful adj. (Obsolete) Causing uneasiness.
DISEASEFUL adj. (obsolete) causing uneasiness.
DISULFATESdisulfates n. Plural of disulfate.
DISULFATE n. a compound containing two sulfate ions.
FADELESSLYfadelessly adv. (Poetic) Without fading; lastingly or eternally.
FADELESS adv. not fading.
FALSEHOODSfalsehoods n. Plural of falsehood.
FALSEHOOD n. a lie.
FELDSCHARSFELDSCHAR n. (Russian) in Russia and Eastern Europe, a partly trained doctor, or one who assists a doctor on the battlefield, also FELDSCHER, FELDSHER.
FELDSPATHSfeldspaths n. Plural of feldspath.
FELDSPATH n. (obsolete) a common rock-forming mineral, also FELDSPAR, FELSPAR.
FEUDALISESfeudalises v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of feudalise.
FEUDALISE v. to reduce to a feudal tenure, also FEUDALIZE.
FEUDALISMSfeudalisms n. Plural of feudalism.
FEUDALISM n. the feudal system; a system by which the holding of estates in land is made dependent upon an obligation to render military service to the king or feudal superior.
FEUDALISTSfeudalists n. Plural of feudalist.
FEUDALIST n. an upholder of feudalism.
FIDELISTASFIDELISTA n. a believer in the principles of Fidel Castro.
FISSIPEDALfissipedal adj. (Zoology) Being or relating to a fissiped.
FISSIPEDAL adj. having toes that are separated from one another, as dogs, cats, bears, and similar carnivores.
FUSILLADESfusillades n. Plural of fusillade.
fusillades v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of fusillade.
FUSILLADE n. (French) a simultaneous or successive discharge of firearms.
GLASSIFIEDglassified v. Simple past tense and past participle of glassify.
glassified adj. Synonym of vitrified.
GLASSIFY v. to become like glass.
LADYFISHESladyfishes n. Plural of ladyfish.
LADYFISH n. a large, handsome fish, found both in the Atlantic and Pacific oceans.
OFFSADDLESoffsaddles v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of offsaddle.
OFFSADDLE v. to unsaddle.
STEDFASTLYstedfastly adv. Obsolete form of steadfastly.
STEDFAST adv. (obsolete) of a person, a person's belief, loyalty, etc., constant, unwavering, also STEADFAST.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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