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List of 10-letter words containing

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There are 11 ten-letter words containing A, C, 2R, 2T and U

COURTCRAFTcourtcraft n. The artifices and intrigues at courts.
courtcraft n. (Sports) Skill on the court, as in squash or tennis.
COURTCRAFT n. the courtier's art, intrigue etc.
HAIRCUTTERhaircutter n. One who cuts hair; a barber or hairdresser.
haircutter n. Any of various mechanical or electrical devices used to cut hair.
HAIRCUTTER n. one who cuts hair.
POURTRAICTpourtraict n. Obsolete spelling of portrait.
POURTRAICT n. (obsolete) a portrait.
RUSTICATORrusticator n. The instigator or perpetrator of rustication.
RUSTICATOR n. one who rusticates.
SCRUTATORSscrutators n. Plural of scrutator.
SCRUTATOR n. one who investigates.
STARSTRUCKstarstruck adj. Star-struck.
star-struck adj. (Dated) under the malevolent influence of the stars or of one’s horoscope.
star-struck adj. Fascinated and/or obsessed by fame or by celebrities; awed by an encounter with a celebrity.
STRUCTURALstructural adj. Of, relating to, or having structure.
structural adj. Involving the mechanics of construction.
structural adj. That is lasting. economics.
SUBTRACTERsubtracter n. One who, or that which, subtracts.
SUBTRACTER n. one who subtracts, also SUBTRACTOR.
SUBTRACTORsubtractor n. Alternative spelling of subtracter.
SUBTRACTOR n. one who subtracts, also SUBTRACTER.
TRIFURCATEtrifurcate adj. Forked, with three tines or points.
trifurcate v. To divide or fork into three channels or branches.
TRIFURCATE adj. divided into three forks.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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