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List of 10-letter words containing

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There are 15 ten-letter words containing A, C, O, S and 3T

ATTRACTORSattractors n. Plural of attractor.
ATTRACTOR n. one who attracts, also ATTRACTER.
COATTESTEDcoattested v. Simple past tense and past participle of coattest.
COATTEST v. to attest jointly.
CONTESTANTcontestant n. A participant in a contest; specifically, a person who plays a game, as on a TV game show.
contestant n. One who brings a legal challenge.
CONTESTANT n. one that participates in a contest.
COTTAGIESTCOTTAGEY adj. like a cottage.
CUTTHROATScutthroats n. Plural of cutthroat.
cut-throats n. Plural of cut-throat.
CUTTHROAT n. a murderer, an assassin.
CYTOSTATICcytostatic adj. Tending to inhibit the growth and multiplication of cells.
cytostatic n. Any substance which inhibits cell growth and multiplication.
CYTOSTATIC adj. tending to retard cellular activity and multiplication.
PETTICOATSpetticoats n. Plural of petticoat.
PETTICOAT n. a skirt, esp. an underskirt, or a garment of which it forms part.
POSTATTACKpostattack adj. After an attack.
POSTATTACK adj. following an attack.
STATOCYSTSstatocysts n. Plural of statocyst.
STATOCYST n. an organ of balance in some invertebrates.
STOMATITICstomatitic adj. Relating to stomatitis.
STOMATITIC adj. relating to stomatitis, inflammation of the mouth.
STRATOCRATstratocrat n. (Uncommon) One who governs or leads others through military force, or on account of their position as…
STRATOCRAT n. a member of a stratocracy, military rule or despotism.
TOSTICATEDtosticated adj. (Archaic) fuddled; perplexed.
TOSTICATED adj. (dialect) fuddled, perplexed, also TOSSICATED.
TOTALISTICtotalistic adj. Of or relating to totalism.
totalistic adj. (Cellular automata) Having the state of each cell represented by a number, and the value of a cell dependent…
TOTALISTIC adj. relating to centralized control by an autocratic authority.
TRACTATORStractators n. Plural of tractator.
TRACTATOR n. a writer of tracts, also TRACTARIAN.
TRICOSTATEtricostate adj. Having three ribs.
TRICOSTATE adj. three-ribbed; having three ribs from the base.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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