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List of 10-letter words containing

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There are 9 ten-letter words containing A, C, N, P, R, T and U

BANKRUPTCYbankruptcy n. (Finance, law) A legally declared or recognized condition of insolvency of a person or organization.
BANKRUPTCY n. the state of being bankrupt.
MANUSCRIPTmanuscript adj. Handwritten, or by extension manually typewritten, as opposed to being mechanically reproduced.
manuscript n. A book, composition or any other document, written by hand (or manually typewritten), not mechanically reproduced.
manuscript n. A single, original copy of a book, article, composition etc, written by hand or even printed, submitted…
PANCRATIUMpancratium n. (Historical) An ancient athletic contest involving both boxing and wrestling.
pancratium n. (Botany) Any of the genus Pancratium of African and Eurasian perennial, herbaceous and bulbous plants…
PANCRATIUM n. an athletic contest involving both boxing and wrestling.
PERCUSSANTpercussant adj. (Heraldry) Bent round and striking the side, as a lion’s tail.
PERCUSSANT adj. bent round and striking the side e.g. a lion's tail.
PRECAUTIONprecaution n. Previous caution or care; caution previously employed to prevent misfortune or to secure good.
precaution n. A measure taken beforehand to ward off evil or secure good or success; a precautionary act.
precaution v. (Transitive) To warn or caution beforehand.
PUNCTATORSpunctators n. Plural of punctator.
PUNCTATOR n. someone who marks something with dots, esp. applied to the Massoretes, who invented the Hebrew vowel points.
PUNCTUATORpunctuator n. One who punctuates, as in writing.
PUNCTUATOR n. one who punctuates, as in writing.
PURTENANCEpurtenance n. (Obsolete) That which pertains or belongs to something.
purtenance n. (Obsolete) The heart, liver, and lungs of an animal.
PURTENANCE n. (obsolete) something which pertains or belongs; the guts, esp. of an animal.
UNCARPETEDuncarpeted adj. Not carpeted.
UNCARPETED adj. not carpeted.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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