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List of 10-letter words containing

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There are 8 ten-letter words containing A, C, 2N, R and 2T

ARCTANGENTarctangent n. (Trigonometry) Any of several single-valued or multivalued functions that are inverses of the tangent…
ARCTANGENT n. a geometrical ratio.
CONSTRAINTconstraint n. Something that constrains; a restriction.
constraint n. An irresistible force or compulsion.
constraint n. The repression of one’s feelings.
CONTRAHENTcontrahent adj. (Obsolete) Entering into covenant; contracting.
contrahent n. One of the parties entering into a contract.
CONTRAHENT n. (historical) a contracting party.
INCANTATORincantator n. One who works magic by means of incantation.
INCANTATOR n. one who utters incantations.
INCRUSTANTincrustant adj. Tending to leave an incrustation on a boiler or other container when the containing water evaporates.
incrustant n. Any substance that is dissolved in water which forms an incrustation when the water evaporates.
INCRUSTANT n. something tending to incrust.
MARCANTANTmarcantant n. (Obsolete, nonce word) A merchant.
MARCANTANT n. (Shakespeare) a merchant.
TRUNCATINGtruncating v. Present participle of truncate.
TRUNCATING n. the act of cutting short.
TRUNCATIONtruncation n. (Linguistics) The act of truncating or shortening (for example, words are shortened to form blend words…
truncation n. (Mathematics) The removal of the least significant digits from a decimal number.
truncation n. (Geometry) The replacement of a solid angle by a plane, or a similar operation in other dimensions.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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