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List of 10-letter words containing

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There are 19 ten-letter words containing A, C, 2N, 2O and R

CANCIONEROcancionero n. A collection of songs.
CANCIONERO n. (Spanish) a collection of songs and poems.
CARTOONINGcartooning v. Present participle of cartoon.
cartooning n. The act of drawing a cartoon or caricature.
CARTOONING n. the making of cartoons.
CONCORDANTconcordant adj. Agreeing or harmonious; consistent (with).
concordant adj. (Geology) Intruding parallel to the bedding.
concordant adj. (Mathematics) Preserving the sign.
CONFRONTALCONFRONTAL n. a confrontation.
CORNOPEANScornopeans n. Plural of cornopean.
CORNOPEAN n. a brass cornet.
CORONATINGcoronating v. Present participle of coronate.
CORONATE v. to crown.
CORONATIONcoronation n. The act or solemnity of crowning a sovereign; the act of investing a prince with the insignia of royalty…
coronation n. (Figuratively) A success in the face of little or no opposition.
Coronation prop.n. A town in Alberta, Canada.
COVENANTORcovenantor n. The party who makes a covenant.
COVENANTOR n. the party who makes a covenant, also COVENANTER.
HARMONICONharmonicon n. (Dated, music) The harmonica.
harmonicon n. (Historical) An acoustic apparatus that produces a musical note when a long dry tube, open at both ends…
INCORONATEincoronate adj. Crowned.
INCORONATE adj. crowned, also INCORONATED.
NONCALORICnoncaloric adj. (Of a food) That provides no (or few) calories.
NONCALORIC adj. free from or very low in calories.
NONFACTORSnonfactors n. Plural of nonfactor.
NONFACTOR n. something that is not a factor.
NONORGANICnonorganic adj. (Usually of food) Not organic.
nonorganic n. An item, material, etc. that is not organic.
NONORGANIC adj. not organic.
NONREACTORnonreactor n. Someone who cannot react; one who does not react.
NONREACTOR n. someone who does not react.
OCEANFRONToceanfront adj. Of property or real estate: adjacent to the ocean.
oceanfront n. A property that is adjacent to the ocean.
oceanfront n. The side of a property that faces the ocean.
OCTONARIANoctonarian adj. (Prosody) Composed of eight metrical feet.
OCTONARIAN n. in prosody, a line having eight feet, also OCTONARIUS.
OLECRANONSolecranons n. Plural of olecranon.
OLECRANON n. (Greek) the projecting bone of the elbow.
ONOCENTAURonocentaur n. A centaur with the body of an ass, instead of a prototypical horse.
ONOCENTAUR n. a kind of centaur, half-man and half-ass.
ORDONNANCEordonnance n. (Art) The disposition of the parts of any composition with regard to one another and the whole.
ORDONNANCE n. coordination, esp. the proper disposition of figures in a picture, parts of a building, etc.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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