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There are 20 ten-letter words containing A, C, M, O, P and 2S

CAMPESINOScampesinos n. Plural of campesino.
CAMPESINO n. (Spanish) a Latin American peasant farmer.
CAMPSTOOLScampstools n. Plural of campstool.
camp␣stools n. Plural of camp stool.
CAMPSTOOL n. a small canvas stool for outdoor use.
CAPSOMEREScapsomeres n. Plural of capsomere.
CAPSOMERE n. any of the protein units that together form the capsid of a virus, also CAPSOMER.
COMPASSINGcompassing v. Present participle of compass.
compassing adj. (Shipbuilding) curved; bent.
compassing n. (Dated) The forming of plots or schemes; machination.
COMPASSIONcompassion n. Deep awareness of the suffering of another, coupled with the wish to relieve it.
compassion v. (Obsolete) To pity.
COMPASSION n. sympathetic consciousness of others' distress together with a desire to alleviate it.
COMPRISALScomprisals n. Plural of comprisal.
COMPRISAL n. the act, condition or fact of comprising.
CYTOPLASMScytoplasms n. Plural of cytoplasm.
CYTOPLASM n. the protoplasm of a cell surrounding the nucleus.
ECTOPLASMSectoplasms n. Plural of ectoplasm.
ECTOPLASM n. the outer transparent layer of protoplasm in a developing ovum, also EXOPLASM.
MACROPSIASmacropsias n. Plural of macropsia.
MACROPSIA n. a condition of the eyes in which objects appear larger than normal.
MEGASCOPESmegascopes n. Plural of megascope.
MEGASCOPE n. an instrument for projecting an enlarged image.
MESOSCAPHEmesoscaphe n. A submersible submarine designed for drifting on sea currents in the middle depth layers of the ocean.
MESOSCAPHE n. a submersible bathing chamber for use at depths less than a bathyscaphe.
MICROPSIASmicropsias n. Plural of micropsia.
MICROPSIA n. a condition of the eyes in which objects appear smaller than normal.
MOONSCAPESmoonscapes n. Plural of moonscape.
MOONSCAPE n. a view of the moon's surface.
PANCOSMISMpancosmism n. (Philosophy) The belief that nothing exists except the physical and temporal universe.
PANCOSMISM n. the theory that the material universe is all that exists.
PAROECISMSPAROECISM n. the state of having the male and female reproductive organs at different levels on the same stem, also PARECISM.
PROSAICISMprosaicism n. The quality or state of being prosaic; a prosaic manner or style.
PROSAICISM n. the quality of being prosaic.
SARCOPLASMsarcoplasm n. (Anatomy) The interfibrillar cytoplasm of striated muscle.
SARCOPLASM n. the protoplasmic substance separating the fibrils in muscle fibres.
SOMASCOPESsomascopes n. Plural of somascope.
SOMASCOPE n. an instrument detecting disease of the internal organs by 'echo-sounding' methods and producing images of the diseased tissue on a television screen.
SOMEPLACESsomeplaces n. Plural of someplace.
SOMEPLACE n. somewhere.
SYMPOSIACSsymposiacs n. Plural of symposiac.
SYMPOSIAC n. a symposium.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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