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List of 10-letter words containing

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There are 15 ten-letter words containing A, C, M, N, P, R and S

CAMPANEROScampaneros n. Plural of campanero.
CAMPANERO n. (Spanish) the bellbird of South America.
COMPANDERScompanders n. Plural of compander.
COMPANDER n. a system of transmitting or reproducing sound by compressing and then re-expanding the volume-range, also COMPANDOR.
COMPANDORScompandors n. Plural of compandor.
COMPANDOR n. a system of transmitting or reproducing sound by compressing and then re-expanding the volume-range, also COMPANDER.
COMPARISONcomparison n. The act of comparing or the state or process of being compared.
comparison n. An evaluation of the similarities and differences of one or more things relative to some other or each other.
comparison n. With a negation, the state of being similar or alike.
ESCARPMENTescarpment n. A steep descent or declivity; steep face or edge of a ridge; ground about a fortified place, cut away…
ESCARPMENT n. a steep slope in front of a fortification.
MANUSCRIPTmanuscript adj. Handwritten, or by extension manually typewritten, as opposed to being mechanically reproduced.
manuscript n. A book, composition or any other document, written by hand (or manually typewritten), not mechanically reproduced.
manuscript n. A single, original copy of a book, article, composition etc, written by hand or even printed, submitted…
MARCHPANESmarchpanes n. Plural of marchpane.
MARCHPANE n. (Italian) an old name for marzipan, a confection of ground almonds, egg whites, and sugar.
MASCARPONEmascarpone n. A soft, creamy Italian cheese that is not pressed or aged; often used in desserts.
MASCARPONE n. (Italian) an Italian soft cheese, like ricotta.
MEPACRINESMEPACRINE n. a bitter yellow powder, aka atebrin, formerly used against malaria.
MERCAPTANSmercaptans n. Plural of mercaptan.
MERCAPTAN n. a substance analogous to an alcohol, with sulphur instead of oxygen.
PANSPERMICpanspermic adj. (Biology) Relating to panspermy or to panspermia.
PANSPERMIC adj. of or pertaining to panspermy; as, the panspermic hypothesis.
PARCHMENTSparchments n. Plural of parchment.
Parchments prop.n. Plural of Parchment.
PARCHMENT n. the skin of a sheep, goat, or other animal prepared for writing on, etc.
PERMEANCESpermeances n. Plural of permeance.
PERMEANCE n. the property of allowing the passage of lines of magnetic flux.
RAMPANCIESrampancies n. Plural of rampancy.
RAMPANCY n. the state of being rampant.
SCAMPERINGscampering v. Present participle of scamper.
scampering n. A quick, light running motion.
SCAMPERING n. running playfully about.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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