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List of 10-letter words containing

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There are 14 ten-letter words containing A, C, L, N, S and 2T

CATLINITEScatlinites n. Plural of catlinite.
CATLINITE n. a red clay of the Upper Missouri region, the sacred pipestone of some indigenous American peoples.
CENTRALESTCENTRAL adj. in the middle.
CENTRALISTcentralist n. A proponent of centralism.
centralist adj. Of or pertaining to centralism.
CENTRALIST n. an adherent of centralism, the centralization of authority.
CLINOSTATSclinostats n. Plural of clinostat.
CLINOSTAT n. an apparatus for studying tropisms in plants.
CONSTANTLYconstantly adv. (Archaic) With steadfastness; with resolve; in loyalty, faithfully.
constantly adv. In a constant manner; occurring continuously; persistently.
constantly adv. (Frequency) Recurring regularly.
CONSULTANTconsultant n. A person or party that is consulted.
consultant n. A person whose occupation is to be consulted for their expertise, advice, service or help in an area…
consultant n. (Medicine, UK, Ireland) A senior hospital-based physician or surgeon who has completed all specialist…
CONTRALTOScontraltos n. Plural of contralto.
CONTRALTO n. (Italian) the part sung by the highest male or lowest female voices.
LACTATIONSlactations n. Plural of lactation.
LACTATION n. the act of suckling young; the period of milk secretion normally following childbirth.
LACTESCENTlactescent adj. Milky.
LACTESCENT adj. producing milky juice.
LATTICINGSlatticings n. Plural of latticing.
LATTICING n. latticework.
LUCTATIONSluctations n. Plural of luctation.
LUCTATION n. (obsolete) a struggle.
OSCITANTLYoscitantly adv. In an oscitant manner.
OSCITANT adv. yawning; gaping.
SCRATTLINGscrattling v. Present participle of scrattle.
scrattling adj. Scanty, beggarly.
SCRATTLE v. to keep scratching, also SCRAB, SCRAT, SCRATCH, SCRAWM.
SOLICITANTsolicitant n. One who solicits.
solicitant n. (Catholicism, historical) A priest who abused the confessional to solicit women.
SOLICITANT n. one who solicits.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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