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List of 10-letter words containing

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There are 19 ten-letter words containing A, C, 2L, N, O and T

ALLOCATINGallocating v. Present participle of allocate.
ALLOCATE v. to set apart for a particular purpose.
ALLOCATIONallocation n. The process or procedure for allocating things, especially money or other resources.
allocation n. That which is allocated; allowance, entitlement.
allocation n. (Embryology) Restriction of an embryonic cell and its clonal descendents to a particular cell type or body region.
ALLOCHTHONallochthon n. (Geology) A geological formation not formed in the region where found and moved to its present location…
ALLOCUTIONallocution n. A formal speech, especially one which is regarded as authoritative and forceful.
allocution n. (Chiefly US, law) The question put to a convicted defendant by a judge after the rendering of the verdict…
allocution n. (Chiefly US, law) The legal right of a victim, in some jurisdictions, to make a statement to a court…
CITRONELLAcitronella n. A tropical Asian grass, Cymbopogon nardus, that has citrus-scented leaves.
citronella n. An essential oil obtained from this plant, often used as an insect repellent.
CITRONELLA n. a colourless aldehyde with a lemon scent.
COLLATIONScollations n. Plural of collation.
COLLATION n. a light meal.
COLLIQUANTcolliquant adj. (Formal) melting; liquefying.
COLLIQUANT adj. (obsolete) melting, wasting, also COLLIQUABLE.
COVALENTLYcovalently adv. Using covalent bonds.
COVALENT adv. sharing electron pairs.
FLECTIONALflectional adj. Pertaining to flection; serving to bend or vary, specifically, pertaining to the terminal variation…
FLECTIONAL adj. relating to flection, the act of bending, or state of being bent.
FLOCCULANTflocculant n. A flocculating agent.
flocculant adj. That flocculates.
FLOCCULANT adj. clothed with small flocks or flakes.
INTERLOCALinterlocal adj. Between localities.
INTERLOCAL adj. between localities.
LANCEOLATElanceolate adj. (Botany, mycology) Having the general shape of a lance; much longer than wide, with the widest part…
lanceolate adj. (Archaeology) Of a class of knapped stone points, made without a stem, shoulders, notches, or other…
lanceolate n. Any such artefact.
LOCATIONALlocational adj. Having to do with location.
LOCATIONAL adj. relating to location.
LOCOPLANTSLOCOPLANT n. astragalus or other related plant, that drives cattle mad, also LOCOWEED.
LOCULAMENTloculament n. (Botany) The cell of a pericarp in which the seed is lodged.
LOCULAMENT n. the cell of a pericarp in which the seed is lodged.
LOCULATIONloculation n. (Medicine) The localized failure of a region to drain fluids, resulting in an enlarged mass.
LOCULATION n. the state of being locular.
NUCLEOLATENUCLEOLATE adj. having a nucleus or nucleolus, also NUCLEOLATED.
OCELLATIONocellation n. (Uncountable) The development of eye-like markings, such as those on the wing of a butterfly or tail of a peacock.
ocellation n. (Countable) An eye-like marking; ocellus.
OCELLATION n. the state of being ocellated.
OUTCALLINGOUTCALL v. to bid higher than in a card game.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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