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List of 10-letter words containing

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There are 18 ten-letter words containing A, C, I, O, S and 2U

AUSPICIOUSauspicious adj. Of good omen; indicating future success.
auspicious adj. Conducive to success.
auspicious adj. Marked by success; prosperous.
AUTOCUTIESautocuties n. Plural of autocutie.
AUTOCUTIE n. a young and attractive but inexperienced female televison presenter.
AUTOECIOUSautoecious adj. Pertaining to a fungus, most often a rust, completing its life cycle on one host.
AUTOECIOUS adj. of fungus, etc., passing through all life stages on same species of host, also AUTECIOUS.
CACUMINOUScacuminous adj. (Rare) Having a pyramidal top.
CACUMINOUS adj. with pointed or pyramidal top.
CALUMNIOUScalumnious adj. Possessing the traits of calumny.
CALUMNIOUS adj. containing or implying calumny; as, calumnious reports.
CAUTIOUSLYcautiously adv. In a cautious manner.
CAUTIOUS adv. exercising prudence.
CURVACIOUScurvacious adj. Alternative form of curvaceous.
CURVACIOUS adj. pleasingly curved, also CURVACEOUS.
GLUCOSURIAglucosuria n. (Medicine) A condition in which glucose is discharged in the urine; diabetes mellitus.
GLUCOSURIA n. a condition in which glucose is discharged in the urine, also GLYCOSURIA.
INCAUTIOUSincautious adj. Careless, reckless, not exercising proper caution.
INCAUTIOUS adj. lacking in caution.
LOQUACIOUSloquacious adj. Talkative; chatty.
LOQUACIOUS adj. talkative, garrulous.
MIRACULOUSmiraculous adj. By supernatural or uncommon causes, e.g. by a god; that cannot be explained in terms of normal events.
miraculous adj. Very surprising; amazing.
MIRACULOUS adj. of the nature of a miracle.
OUTDACIOUSoutdacious adj. (Dated, nonstandard) Pronunciation spelling of audacious.
OUTDACIOUS adj. (colloquial) audacious.
PUGNACIOUSpugnacious adj. Naturally aggressive or hostile; combative; belligerent; bellicose.
PUGNACIOUS adj. having a quarrelsome or combative nature.
RUBIACEOUSrubiaceous adj. Of or pertaining to the large and diverse family of flowering plants known as Rubiaceae.
RUBIACEOUS adj. belonging to madder family of plants.
SEQUACIOUSsequacious adj. (Of objects, obsolete) Likely to follow or yield to physical pressure; easily shaped or molded.
sequacious adj. (Of people) Likely to follow, conform, or yield to others, especially showing unthinking adherence to…
sequacious adj. (Of musical notes or poetic feet) Following neatly or smoothly.
UNGRACIOUSungracious adj. Not gracious; unkind or cold-hearted.
UNGRACIOUS adj. not courteous.
USUCAPIONSusucapions n. Plural of usucapion.
USUCAPION n. the acquisition of a property through long usage, also USUCAPTION.
USUCAPTIONusucaption n. The acquisition of right or title to an object or property by means of the simple passage of time.
USUCAPTION n. the acquisition of a property through long usage, also USUCAPION.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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