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List of 10-letter words containing

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There are 16 ten-letter words containing A, C, I, O, 2P and T

APOPEMPTICapopemptic adj. Pertaining to departing; farewell, valedictory.
apopemptic n. (Obsolete) A farewell or parting address.
APOPEMPTIC adj. relating to departing or leave-taking; valedictory.
APOPLECTICapoplectic adj. (Medicine) Of or relating to apoplexy.
apoplectic adj. Marked by extreme anger or fury.
apoplectic adj. (Archaic) Effused with blood.
APOTROPAICapotropaic adj. (Religion, mysticism) Intended to ward off evil.
apotropaic n. An agent intended to ward off evil.
APOTROPAIC adj. averting or combating evil.
APPLICATORapplicator n. A tool or device used to apply a fluid or semi-fluid substance to a surface.
applicator n. A tubular device to insert a tampon into the vagina.
APPLICATOR n. a device used to applicate something.
CAPTOPRILScaptoprils n. Plural of captopril.
CAPTOPRIL n. an antihypertensive drug that is an ace inhibitor.
EPISCOPANTepiscopant n. (Christianity, obsolete) A bishop.
EPISCOPANT n. (Milton) a holder of a bishopric.
EPISCOPATEepiscopate n. Bishops seen as a group.
episcopate n. The tenure in office of a bishop.
episcopate n. (Rare) A bishop’s jurisdiction, the extent of his diocese.
HEPTAPODICHEPTAPODIC adj. of a verse, having seven feet.
PANOPTICALPANOPTICAL adj. all-embracing; viewing all aspects, also PANOPTIC.
PANOPTICONpanopticon n. A type of prison where all the cells are visible from the center, particularly if it is not possible…
panopticon n. (Figurative, by extension) A place in which people are subject to constant surveillance at totalitarian command.
panopticon n. A room for the exhibition of novelties.
PENTAPODICPENTAPODIC adj. relating to pentapody, a measure of five feet.
PHOSPHATICphosphatic adj. Of, relating to, or composed of phosphate.
PHOSPHATIC adj. containing phosphates; as in phosphatic acid.
PICTOGRAPHpictograph n. A picture that represents a word or an idea.
pictograph n. A graphic character.
pictograph n. A graph that represents numerical data using pictures.
POSTIMPACTpostimpact adj. After an impact.
POSTIMPACT adj. after an impact.
PROTANOPICprotanopic adj. Exhibiting or relating to protanopia.
PROTANOPIC adj. colour-blind to red.
SUPRAOPTICsupraoptic adj. (Anatomy) Above the optic tract or chiasma.
SUPRAOPTIC adj. situated above the optic chiasma.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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