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List of 10-letter words containing

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There are 19 ten-letter words containing A, C, I, M, 2N and R

ANHARMONICanharmonic adj. Not harmonic. Inharmonic.
anharmonic adj. (Mechanics) Exhibiting anharmonicity.
anharmonic adj. (Geometry) Describing the section of a line by four points, A, B, C, D, when their mutual distances…
CONFIRMANDconfirmand n. (Religion) A candidate for confirmation or affirmation of baptism.
CONFIRMAND n. a candidate for religious confirmation.
CRAMPONINGcramponing v. Present participle of crampon.
CRAMPON v. to climb using a kind of spiked boot.
ENCHARMINGencharming v. Present participle of encharm.
ENCHARM v. (obsolete) to cast a spell on, to charm.
ENHARMONICenharmonic adj. (Music) Describing two or more identical or almost identical notes that are written differently when…
enharmonic adj. (Music) Of or pertaining to a tetrachord.
ENHARMONIC adj. relating to music constructed on a scale containing intervals of less than a semitone, also ENHARMONICAL.
HARMONICONharmonicon n. (Dated, music) The harmonica.
harmonicon n. (Historical) An acoustic apparatus that produces a musical note when a long dry tube, open at both ends…
INHARMONICinharmonic adj. Lacking harmony; discordant; dissonant.
INHARMONIC adj. lacking harmony, inharmonious, also INHARMONICAL.
INNUMERACYinnumeracy n. An ignorance of mathematics, or an inability to manipulate numbers.
INNUMERACY n. the state of being innumerate.
MANDARINICmandarinic adj. Appropriate or peculiar to a mandarin.
MANDARINIC adj. appropriate or peculiar to a mandarin.
MANICURINGmanicuring v. Present participle of manicure.
MANICURE v. to have the hands and nails treated professionally.
MARCONIINGmarconiing v. Present participle of marconi.
MARCONI v. to communicate by wireless telegraphy.
NECROMANIAnecromania n. Obsession with death.
NECROMANIA n. the erotic love of corpses, also NECROPHILIA, NECROPHILY.
NEURAMINICneuraminic adj. Of or pertaining to neuraminic acid or its derivatives.
NEURAMINIC adj. as in neuraminic acid, a carboxylic acid which is an amino sugar.
NICKNAMERSnicknamers n. Plural of nicknamer.
NICKNAMER n. one who gives nicknames.
NIGROMANCYnigromancy n. (Now historical) Necromancy; magic involving death.
NIGROMANCY n. divination using black magic or the dead.
NONRACISMSNONRACISM n. an absence or racism.
ROMANCINGSromancings n. Plural of romancing.
ROMANCING n. the act of romancing.
UNCHARMINGuncharming adj. Not charming.
uncharming v. Present participle of uncharm.
UNCHARM v. to free from a spell.
UNROMANTICunromantic adj. Not romantic.
UNROMANTIC adj. not romantic, also UNROMANTICAL.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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