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List of 10-letter words containing

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There are 17 ten-letter words containing A, C, I, L, P, R and U

APICULTUREapiculture n. The keeping and maintenance of bees for commercial reasons.
APICULTURE n. beekeeping.
BICAPSULARbicapsular adj. Having two capsules; having a double capsule.
BICAPSULAR adj. of plants, having two capsules or one capsule with two chambers.
CAPITULARScapitulars n. Plural of capitular.
CAPITULAR n. a statute passed in a chapter or ecclesiastical court; a member of a chapter.
CAPITULARYcapitulary n. A member of an ecclesiastical chapter.
capitulary n. A set of decrees, especially those made by the Frankish kings.
capitulary adj. Of or related to a chapter, in its various senses.
DISCIPULARDISCIPULAR adj. like a disciple.
DUPLICATORduplicator n. A device that reproduces something, such as printed documents or compact discs; a copier.
DUPLICATOR n. one that duplicates.
HARUSPICALharuspical adj. Relating to a haruspex.
HARUSPICAL adj. relating to haruspication, divination by the liver.
PARTICULARparticular adj. (Obsolete) Pertaining only to a part of something; partial.
particular adj. Specific; discrete; concrete.
particular adj. Specialised; characteristic of a specific person or thing.
PECULIARLYpeculiarly adv. Such as to be greater than usual; particularly; exceptionally.
peculiarly adv. Such as to be strange or odd.
peculiarly adv. Strongly associated with; in a manner that is peculiar or restricted to some person or place.
PELLICULARpellicular adj. Of or pertaining to a pellicle.
pellicular adj. Bearing a pellicle.
pellicular adj. (Chemistry) Describing the stationary phase of a chromatography system consisting of a porous outer…
PLICATURESplicatures n. Plural of plicature.
PLICATURE n. the act of folding, also PLICATION.
PRECALCULIPRECALCULUS n. a mathematical prerequisite for the study of calculus.
PURISTICALpuristical adj. Puristic.
PURISTICAL adj. of or pertaining to purists or purism, also PURISTIC.
REPUBLICANrepublican adj. Advocating or supporting a republic as a form of government, advocating or supporting republicanism.
republican adj. Of or belonging to a republic.
republican adj. Alternative letter-case form of Republican.
SCRIPTURALscriptural adj. Of, pertaining to, or in accordance with scripture.
SCRIPTURAL adj. relating to scripture.
SPIRACULARspiracular adj. Of, pertaining to, of having spiracles.
SPIRACULAR adj. of or pertaining to a spiracle.
SPIRACULUMspiraculum n. A spiracle.
SPIRACULUM n. a breathing-hole; a vent, orifice.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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