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List of 10-letter words containing

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There are 19 ten-letter words containing A, C, 2I, N, O and Y

ANXIOLYTICanxiolytic adj. (Pharmacology) That reduces anxiety; tranquilizing.
anxiolytic n. (Pharmacology) A drug prescribed for the treatment of symptoms of anxiety.
ANXIOLYTIC adj. serving to reduce tension or stress.
BIODYNAMICbiodynamic adj. Of, or relating to the effects of motion on living things.
biodynamic adj. (Anthroposophy, agriculture, pseudoscience) Of, or relating to a form of organic agriculture with mystical…
biodynamic adj. (New Age, psychoanalysis, pseudoscience) Of, or relating to a form of psychotherapy, massage and energy…
BIONICALLYbionically adv. In a bionic manner.
bionically adv. With regard to bionics.
CANONICITYcanonicity n. The degree to which something is canonical.
CANONICITY n. the state of being canonical.
COALIFYINGcoalifying v. Present participle of coalify.
COALIFY v. to convert into coal.
CONCILIARYconciliary adj. Of or relating to a council, particularly with respect to municipal government; issued by a council.
CONCILIARY adj. of or pertaining to (esp. ecclesiastical) councils, also CONCILIAR.
CYCLOIDIANcycloidian n. (Zoology) cycloid.
cycloidian adj. (Zoology) cycloid.
CYCLOIDIAN n. a fish with cycloid scales.
CYNOPHILIAcynophilia n. A fondness for dogs or other canines.
CYNOPHILIA n. the love of dogs, also CANOPHILIA.
DICTIONARYdictionary n. A reference work with a list of words from one or more languages, normally ordered alphabetically, explaining…
dictionary n. (Preceded by the) A synchronic dictionary of a standardised language held to only contain words that…
dictionary n. (By extension) Any work that has a list of material organized alphabetically; e.g., biographical dictionary…
ICONICALLYiconically adv. In a way or to an extent that is iconic.
ICONICAL adv. pertaining to an icon, also ICONIC.
INDICATORYindicatory adj. That indicates, signifies or implies.
INDICATORY adj. serving to indicate.
INORDINACYinordinacy n. The state or quality of being inordinate; excessiveness.
INORDINACY n. the quality of being inordinate.
INSOCIABLYinsociably adv. In an insociable manner.
INSOCIABLE adv. unsociable.
IRONICALLYironically adv. (Manner) In an ironic manner; in a way displaying irony.
ironically adv. (Evaluative) Used to draw attention to an ironic aspect of a situation being described.
IRONICAL adv. pertaining to irony, also IRONIC.
ISOCYANIDEisocyanide n. (Chemistry) The isomer HN+C- of hydrocyanic acid HCN.
isocyanide n. (Chemistry) Any of its hydrocarbyl derivatives RNC.
ISOCYANIDE n. a salt or ester of isocyanic acid.
ISODYNAMICisodynamic adj. Having equal strength or force.
isodynamic adj. Of foods: having the same caloric content.
isodynamic n. A line of equal field intensity.
OPACIFYINGopacifying v. Present participle of opacify.
OPACIFY v. to make opaque.
ORGANICITYorganicity n. The quality of being organic.
ORGANICITY n. the state of life or society as an organism.
THIOCYANICthiocyanic adj. Sulfocyanic.
THIOCYANIC adj. as in thiocyanic acid, the parent acid of thiocyanates.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 54 words
  • Scrabble in French: no word
  • Scrabble in Spanish: 1 word
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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