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List of 10-letter words containing

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There are 17 ten-letter words containing A, C, H, 2O, P and S

ACROPHOBESacrophobes n. Plural of acrophobe.
ACROPHOBE n. someone with an abnormal fear of heights.
CHAETOPODSchaetopods n. Plural of chaetopod.
CHAETOPOD n. a member of the Chaetopoda, bristle-worms.
CRAPSHOOTScrapshoots n. Plural of crapshoot.
crap-shoots n. Plural of crap-shoot.
crap␣shoots n. Plural of crap shoot.
ECOPHOBIASECOPHOBIA n. fear of one's home surroundings.
HAGIOSCOPEhagioscope n. (Architecture) A small opening in an interior wall of a church, enabling those in the transept to view the high altar.
HAGIOSCOPE n. an opening cut in the wall of a church to enable viewing of the altar.
MONOPHASICmonophasic adj. Of, related to or affected with monophasia.
monophasic adj. Having a single phase.
MONOPHASIC adj. of electric current, single-phase, also MONOPHASE.
PHOTOCALLSphotocalls n. Plural of photocall.
PHOTOCALL n. an occasion when people at a formal event are asked to have their photograph taken together.
PHOTOCARDSphotocards n. Plural of photocard.
PHOTOCARD n. an identity card containing a photograph of the bearer.
PHOTOSCANSPHOTOSCAN v. to scan photographically.
PLAYSCHOOLplayschool n. A nursery school, kindergarten.
PLAYSCHOOL n. a nursery school or playgroup.
SAXOPHONICsaxophonic adj. Of or pertaining to the saxophone.
SAXOPHONIC adj. of or like a saxophone.
SCAPHOPODSscaphopods n. Plural of scaphopod.
SCAPHOPOD n. a member of a class of marine molluscs.
SCYPHOZOANscyphozoan n. Any true jellyfish of the class Scyphozoa.
SCYPHOZOAN n. any of a class of medusoid coelenterates; a jelly fish.
SHOPAHOLICshopaholic n. One who shops excessively; a shopping addict.
shopaholic n. Common term applied to someone suffering from oniomania.
SHOPAHOLIC n. a compulsive shopper.
SOCIOPATHSsociopaths n. Plural of sociopath.
SOCIOPATH n. a person hostile to society.
SOCIOPATHYsociopathy n. (Psychiatry) The property of being a sociopath—a person showing antisocial behavior as part of psychiatric…
SOCIOPATHY n. hostility to society.
TOPHACEOUStophaceous adj. Gritty; sandy; rough; stony.
tophaceous adj. Relating to tophus.
TOPHACEOUS adj. gritty.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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