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List of 10-letter words containing

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There are 13 ten-letter words containing A, C, H, N, O, R and Y

ABHORRENCYabhorrency n. (Obsolete) Aberrancy.
abhorrency n. (Obsolete) Quality of being abhorrent; feeling of abhorrence.
abhorrency n. (Obsolete) something that elicits abhorrence; a detestable thing.
ACRONYCHALacronychal adj. Alternative form of acronycal.
acronychal adj. Alternative form of acronical.
ACRONYCHAL adj. occurring at nightfall or sunset (esp. of the rising or setting of stars), also ACRONIC, ACRONICAL, ACRONYCAL.
APOCRYPHONAPOCRYPHON n. a hidden or secret thing.
ASYNCHRONYasynchrony n. The state of being asynchronous, or out of synchronization.
ASYNCHRONY n. lack of synchronisation.
CHARDONNAYchardonnay n. Alternative letter-case form of Chardonnay.
Chardonnay n. (Countable) A green-skinned grape variety used to make a white wine.
Chardonnay n. (Uncountable) A variety of wine made from this grape.
CHIROMANCYchiromancy n. Synonym of palmistry: fortune-telling performed by reading another’s hand.
CHIROMANCY n. divination by means of palmistry, also CHEIROMANCY.
CHRYSOPHANchrysophan n. Archaic form of chrysophane.
CHRYSOPHAN n. an old name for chrysarobin.
HIEROMANCYhieromancy n. Divination by interpreting sacred objects, often used in sacrificial offerings. Similar to aruspicy.
HIEROMANCY n. divination by studying objects offered in sacrifice.
HYALURONIChyaluronic adj. Of or pertaining to hyaluronic acid or its derivatives.
HYALURONIC adj. as in hyaluronic acid, a viscous polysaccharide with important lubricating properties, present, for example, in the synovial fluid in joints.
HYDROMANCYhydromancy n. Divination by water or other liquid.
HYDROMANCY n. divination by the appearance or motion of liquids (as water).
PARONYCHIAparonychia n. (Medicine) An infection under the cuticle of a fingernail or toenail.
PARONYCHIA n. a whitlow, or felon.
SYNCHRONALsynchronal adj. Synchronous; simultaneous.
SYNCHRONAL adj. coinciding in time.
ZYGOBRANCHzygobranch n. A zygobranchiate mollusc.
ZYGOBRANCH n. a type of gastropod having paired, symmetrically placed gills, also ZYGOBRANCHIATE.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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