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List of 10-letter words containing

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There are 15 ten-letter words containing A, C, H, M, O, R and U

AUXOCHROMEauxochrome n. (Obsolete, chemistry) any atom or group which, when added to a chromophore, causes a bathochromic shift…
AUXOCHROME n. a group of atoms that can be attached to a chromogen to convert it into a dye.
CHARMONIUMcharmonium n. (Physics) Any meson formed from a charm quark and its antiquark.
CHARMONIUM n. any of various elementary particles consisting of a charm quark and an antiquark.
CHERMOULASCHERMOULA n. (Arabic) a marinade containing onion, coriander, and parsley, used in North African cookery.
CHORIAMBUSchoriambus n. (Poetry) A metrical foot consisting of four syllables, of which the first and last are long, and the…
CHORIAMBUS n. a metrical foot comprising a trochee and an iambus, also CHORIAMB, CHORIAMBIC.
EUHARMONICeuharmonic adj. (Rare) Pleasingly melodious or harmonious — applied especially to the euharmonic organ invented by Henry…
EUHARMONIC adj. producing mathematically perfect harmony or concord; sweetly or perfectly harmonious.
HOMUNCULARhomuncular adj. Of or pertaining to a homunculus.
HOMUNCULAR adj. of or like a homunculus.
MOUCHARABYmoucharaby n. A mashrabiyya.
MOUCHARABY n. (Arabic) in North Africa, an external balcony enclosed with latticework.
OUTCHARMEDoutcharmed v. Simple past tense and past participle of outcharm.
OUTCHARM v. to surpass in charming.
OUTMARCHEDoutmarched v. Simple past tense and past participle of outmarch.
OUTMARCH v. to surpass in marching.
OUTMARCHESoutmarches v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of outmarch.
OUTMARCH v. to surpass in marching.
ROUTEMARCHroutemarch n. Alternative form of route-march.
routemarch v. Alternative form of route-march.
route-march n. (Military) A long march for training purposes.
SCARAMOUCHScaramouch prop.n. Alternative form of Scaramouche.
SCARAMOUCH n. a bragging cowardly buffoon, also SCARAMOUCHE.
SCARAMOUCH v. to behave like a rascal or cowardly fool.
SUPERMACHOsupermacho adj. Particularly macho.
SUPERMACHO adj. very macho.
TAUROMACHYtauromachy n. Bullfighting (in classical times).
TAUROMACHY n. the art of bullfighting.
TOUCHMARKStouchmarks n. Plural of touchmark.
touch-marks n. Plural of touch-mark.
TOUCHMARK n. the maker's official stamp on pewter.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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