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List of 10-letter words containing

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There are 14 ten-letter words containing A, C, H, L, N, O and P

ALLOPHONICallophonic adj. Of or pertaining to an allophone.
ALLOPHONIC adj. of or like an allophone, any of several speech sounds regarded as variants of a given phoneme.
CANOPHILIAcanophilia n. Synonym of cynophilia (“The love of dogs.”).
CANOPHILIA n. the love of dogs, also CYNOPHILIA.
CELLOPHANEcellophane n. Any of a variety of transparent plastic films, especially one made of processed cellulose.
cellophane v. (Transitive) To wrap or package in cellophane.
CELLOPHANE n. (tradename) a tough transparent wrapping material.
CHILOPODANCHILOPODAN n. a member of the order Chilopoda, which contains the centipedes, also CHILOPOD.
CHOPFALLENchopfallen adj. Synonym of chapfallen.
CHOPFALLEN adj. dejected, dispirited, also CHAPFALLEN.
CYNOPHILIAcynophilia n. A fondness for dogs or other canines.
CYNOPHILIA n. the love of dogs, also CANOPHILIA.
ENCEPHALONencephalon n. (Neuroanatomy) The area of central nervous system that includes all higher nervous centers, enclosed…
ENCEPHALON n. the contents of the cranium; the brain.
EUPHONICALeuphonical adj. (Archaic) Euphonious; pleasing to the ear.
EUPHONICAL adj. agreeable in sound, also EUPHONIC, EUPHONIOUS.
FRANCOPHILFrancophil n. Alternative form of Francophile.
Francophil adj. Alternative form of Francophile.
FRANCOPHIL n. a lover of France and French things, also FRANCOPHILE.
NEOPHILIACneophiliac n. A neophile; a lover of new or novel things.
NEOPHILIAC n. one suffering from neophilia, an obsessive love of novelty.
NOTAPHILICnotaphilic adj. Relating to notaphily.
NOTAPHILIC adj. relating to notaphily, the collecting of banknotes and cheques.
PHONETICALphonetical adj. Of, or pertaining to phonetics.
PHONETICAL adj. of, concerning, according to, or representing the sounds of spoken language, also PHONETIC.
PHONICALLYphonically adv. In accordance with the principles of phonics.
phonically adv. Phonetically; in a manner related to the sound of a word rather than its spelling.
PHONIC adv. pertaining to the nature of sound.
POSTLAUNCHpostlaunch adj. After a launch.
POSTLAUNCH adj. following a launch.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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