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List of 10-letter words containing

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There are 14 ten-letter words containing A, C, G, N, P, R and S

CARPETINGScarpetings n. Plural of carpeting.
CARPETING n. a scolding.
CLINGWRAPScling␣wraps n. Plural of cling wrap.
CLINGWRAP n. a thin polythene material that clings closely to any surface around which it is placed: used for wrapping food.
PANEGYRICSpanegyrics n. Plural of panegyric.
PANEGYRIC n. a eulogistic oration or writing; a formal or elaborate praise.
PRACTISINGpractising v. Present participle of practise.
practising n. The act of one who practises.
PRACTISE v. to train or drill in order to acquire skill, also PRACTICE.
PREACHINGSpreachings n. Plural of preaching.
PREACHING n. the act of preaching.
PRECASTINGprecasting v. Present participle of precast.
PRECAST v. to cast before placing in position.
PREGNANCESpregnances n. Plural of pregnance.
PREGNANCE n. (obsolete) pregnancy, also PREGNANCY.
PURCHASINGpurchasing v. Present participle of purchase.
purchasing n. An act or process of making a purchase.
purchasing n. (Business, government) A complex, organized process in large organizations for obtaining goods that…
RECLASPINGreclasping v. Present participle of reclasp.
RECLASP v. to clasp again.
SAPROGENICsaprogenic adj. Causing or resulting from putrefaction.
SAPROGENIC adj. producing decay or putrefaction.
SCAMPERINGscampering v. Present participle of scamper.
scampering n. A quick, light running motion.
SCAMPERING n. running playfully about.
SCARPERINGscarpering v. Present participle of scarper.
SCARPER v. to run away, leave without notice, also SCAPA, SCARPA.
SCRAPPINGSscrappings n. Plural of scrapping.
SCRAPPING n. the act of making scrap.
SPRACKLINGsprackling v. Present participle of sprackle.
SPRACKLE v. (Scots) to clamber, also SPRAUCHLE.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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