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List of 10-letter words containing

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There are 17 ten-letter words containing A, C, G, I, 2O and S

AGRONOMICSagronomics n. The science of soil management and the production of field crops.
AGRONOMICS n. the science dealing with the management and productivity of land.
ARCOLOGIESarcologies n. Plural of arcology.
ARCOLOGY n. a system of architecture that integrates buildings with the environment.
ASCOGONIUMascogonium n. (Mycology) The spiral female organ of an ascomycetous fungus from which asci are produced.
ASCOGONIUM n. the female reproductive structure of fungi.
ASTROLOGICastrologic adj. Archaic form of astrological.
ASTROLOGIC adj. related to astrology, also ASTROLOGICAL.
CACOLOGIEScacologies n. Plural of cacology.
CACOLOGY n. a bad choice of words.
CHAOLOGIESchaologies n. Plural of chaology.
CHAOLOGY n. the study of chaos.
CHAOLOGISTchaologist n. One who studies chaology.
CHAOLOGIST n. a student of chaology, the study of chaos or chaos theory.
COGITATORScogitators n. Plural of cogitator.
COGITATOR n. one who cogitates.
COGNATIONScognations n. Plural of cognation.
COGNATION n. relationship by blood; descent from the same original.
CONTAGIONScontagions n. Plural of contagion.
CONTAGION n. transmission of a disease by direct contact with an infected person or object.
CONTAGIOUScontagious adj. (Of a disease) Easily transmitted to others.
contagious adj. (Figurative) Easily passed on to others.
contagious adj. (Of a person) Having a disease that can be transmitted to another person.
HAGIOSCOPEhagioscope n. (Architecture) A small opening in an interior wall of a church, enabling those in the transept to view the high altar.
HAGIOSCOPE n. an opening cut in the wall of a church to enable viewing of the altar.
LOGAOEDICSlogaoedics n. Logaoedic poetry.
logaœdics n. Plural of logaœdic.
LOGAOEDIC n. a verse in this form.
OLIGOCLASEoligoclase n. (Mineralogy) A plagioclase feldspar, the second member of the Albite-Anorthite solid solution series…
OLIGOCLASE n. a triclinic soda-lime feldspar, plagioclase.
SCATOLOGICscatologic adj. Synonym of scatological.
SCATOLOGIC adj. relating to scatology, also SCATOLOGICAL.
SIALOGOGICsialogogic adj. Increasing the flow of saliva.
SIALOGOGIC adj. promoting salivation, also SIALAGOGIC.
SOCIOGRAMSsociograms n. Plural of sociogram.
SOCIOGRAM n. a diagram of social relationships within a group.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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