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List of 10-letter words containing

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There are 8 ten-letter words containing A, C, G, H, L and 2N

CHALANNINGCHALAN v. (Urdu) in India, to cause (an accused person) to appear before a magistrate.
CHANGELINGchangeling n. (European folklore, also figurative) In pre-modern European folklore: an infant of a magical creature…
changeling n. (By extension) A person or object (especially when regarded as inferior) secretly exchanged for something else.
changeling n. (By extension, informal, rare) An infant secretly exchanged with another infant deliberately or by mistake;…
CHANNELINGchanneling v. Present participle of channel.
channeling n. Alternative form of channelling.
CHANNEL v. to direct along a course.
CHANTINGLYchantingly adv. In a chanting manner.
CHANTING adv. singing.
FLANCHINGSflanchings n. Plural of flanching.
FLANCHING n. a sloping piece of cement, e.g. round the base of a chimneypot, also FLAUNCHING.
FLAUNCHINGflaunching v. Present participle of flaunch.
flaunching n. The sloped mortar fillet around the base of a chimney pot, which serves to hold the pot in position…
flaunching n. A mortar fillet at the junction of the chimney stack and the roof; superseded in modern times by lead flashing.
LAUNCHINGSlaunchings n. Plural of launching.
LAUNCHING n. the act of making a launch.
UNLATCHINGunlatching v. Present participle of unlatch.
unlatching n. The act of unfastening a latch.
UNLATCH v. to undo a fastening on a door or gate.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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