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List of 10-letter words containing

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There are 17 ten-letter words containing A, C, F, L, O, R and T

CALEFACTORcalefactor n. A heater; one who, or that which, makes hot, such as a stove, etc.
CALEFACTOR n. a heater; one who, or that which, makes hot, as a stove, etc.
CLOFIBRATEclofibrate n. (Pharmacology) A compound C12H15ClO3 used especially to lower abnormally high concentrations of fats…
CLOFIBRATE n. a lipid-lowering drug that is used to reduce high levels of fat and cholesterol.
COLOURFASTcolourfast adj. Alternative spelling of colorfast (Items with dyes or pigments that are capable of producing a stable…
colour-fast adj. Alternative form of colorfast.
COLOURFAST adj. having colours that retain their original hue without running or fading, also COLORFAST.
CONFRONTALCONFRONTAL n. a confrontation.
CONTRAFLOWcontraflow n. Flow in the opposite direction to normal.
contraflow n. An abnormal state of a road or motorway where the traffic temporarily travels in the opposite direction…
CONTRAFLOW n. a system of traffic regulation on motorways, when one carriageway is closed and the other is arranged for two-way traffic.
DEFALCATORdefalcator n. A defaulter or embezzler.
DEFALCATOR n. a defaulter or embezzler.
FACTORABLEfactorable adj. (Mathematics) Capable of being factored. For integers synonyms are composite, non-prime.
FACTORABLE adj. that can be factored.
FACTORIALSfactorials n. Plural of factorial.
FACTORIAL n. the product of a series of factors; specifically the product of an integer and all lower integers.
FLOWCHARTSflowcharts n. Plural of flowchart.
flow␣charts n. Plural of flow chart.
FLOWCHART n. a chart pictorially representing the nature and sequence of operations to be carried out, e.g. in a computer program.
FORECASTLEforecastle n. (Nautical) A raised part of the upper deck at the front of a ship.
forecastle n. (Nautical) Crew’s quarters located at the forward part of a ship.
FORECASTLE n. a short raised deck at the fore end of ship.
FORTALICESfortalices n. Plural of fortalice.
FORTALICE n. (historical) a fortress; a small outwork of a fortification.
FRACTIONALfractional adj. Pertaining to a fraction.
fractional adj. Divided; fragmentary; incomplete.
fractional adj. Very small; minute.
FRICTIONALfrictional adj. Relating to, or caused by, friction.
FRICTIONAL adj. relating to friction.
MALEFACTORmalefactor n. A criminal or felon.
malefactor n. An evildoer.
MALEFACTOR n. an evildoer, a criminal.
MATRIFOCALmatrifocal adj. (Anthropology) Family structure in which mothers head families and fathers play a less important role…
MATRIFOCAL adj. in anthropology, focused on the mother.
PATRIFOCALpatrifocal adj. Patriarchal.
PATRIFOCAL adj. centred on the father.
SOLFATARICsolfataric adj. Pertaining to or characterized by a solfatara.
SOLFATARIC adj. relating to a solfatara, a volcanic vent emitting only gases.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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