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List of 10-letter words containing

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There are 16 ten-letter words containing A, C, F, 2I, O and T

ACTINIFORMactiniform adj. Having a radiated form.
ACTINIFORM adj. having a radiate form, like a starfish.
AFFLICTIONaffliction n. A state of pain, suffering, distress or agony.
affliction n. Something which causes pain, suffering, distress or agony.
AFFLICTION n. the state of being afflicted.
FACTIONISTfactionist n. A member of a faction.
factionist n. One who promotes strife or discord.
FACTIONIST n. one who promotes faction.
FACTITIOUSfactitious adj. Created by humans; artificial.
factitious adj. Counterfeit, fabricated, fake.
FACTITIOUS adj. contrived, artificial.
FANTOCCINIfantoccini n. Puppets caused to enact dramatic scenes by means of machinery.
fantoccini n. The puppet shows in which they are used.
FANTOCCINI n. (Italian) mechanically worked puppets used in street theatre.
FASCIATIONfasciation n. The binding-up of a limb, etc., with bandages.
fasciation n. (Obsolete) A bandage.
fasciation n. The process or state of being fasciated.
FOETICIDALfoeticidal adj. (UK) Alternative form of feticidal.
FOETICIDAL adj. relating to foeticide.
FRICTIONALfrictional adj. Relating to, or caused by, friction.
FRICTIONAL adj. relating to friction.
INFARCTIONinfarction n. (Pathology) The process which causes an infarct.
infarction n. (Pathology) An infarct (an area of ischemic necrosis)..
INFARCTION n. necrosis, the death of tissues due to the blocking of (esp. the arterial) blood supply.
INFRACTIONinfraction n. (Law) A minor offence, petty crime.
infraction n. A violation; breach.
infraction n. (Ice hockey) A major violation of rules which leads to a penalty, if detected by the referee.
OFFICIALTYofficialty n. Alternative form of officiality.
OFFICIALTY n. the charge, office, court, or jurisdiction of an official, also OFFICIALITY.
OFFICIANTSofficiants n. Plural of officiant.
OFFICIANT n. the officer who officiates or performs an office, as the burial office.
OFFICIATEDofficiated v. Simple past tense and past participle of officiate.
OFFICIATE v. to perform the duties of an office.
OFFICIATESofficiates v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of officiate.
OFFICIATE v. to perform the duties of an office.
OFFICIATORofficiator n. A person who officiates.
OFFICIATOR n. one who officiates.
PONTIFICALpontifical adj. Of or pertaining to a pontiff.
pontifical adj. Pompous, dignified or dogmatic.
pontifical adj. Splendid; magnificent.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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