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There are 15 ten-letter words containing A, C, E, O, T, U and V

AUTOCLAVEDautoclaved v. Simple past tense and past participle of autoclave.
AUTOCLAVE v. to heat in an autoclave.
AUTOCLAVESautoclaves n. Plural of autoclave.
autoclaves v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of autoclave.
AUTOCLAVE n. (French) a kind of French stewpan with a steamtight lid.
AVOUCHMENTavouchment n. The act of avouching.
avouchment n. A positive declaration.
AVOUCHMENT n. (archaic) the act of avouching; positive declaration.
CONVENTUALconventual adj. Pertaining to a convent or convent life; cloistered, monastic.
conventual n. A member of a convent.
Conventual n. A member of one of the two divisions of the Franciscans, following a mitigated rule, the other being the Observants.
COPULATIVEcopulative adj. Of or pertaining to copulation.
copulative adj. (Grammar) That acts as a copula.
copulative adj. (Grammar) That connects the subject of a clause with its complement.
EQUIVOCATEequivocate v. (Intransitive) To speak using double meaning; to speak ambiguously, unclearly or doubtfully, with intent to deceive.
equivocate v. (Transitive) To render equivocal or ambiguous.
EQUIVOCATE v. to use equivocal or doubtful words in order to mislead or to avoid answering a question.
EVACUATIONevacuation n. The act of evacuating; leaving a place in an orderly fashion, especially for safety.
evacuation n. Withdrawal of troops or civils from a town, country, fortress, etc.
evacuation n. The act of emptying, clearing of the contents, or discharging, including creating a vacuum.
EVACUATORSevacuators n. Plural of evacuator.
EVACUATOR n. something or someone that evacuates.
NOVACULITEnovaculite n. (Geology, mineralogy) A variety of chert, very rich in quartz, that has been used to make whetstones.
NOVACULITE n. a variety of siliceous slate, of which hones are made.
OCCUPATIVEoccupative adj. Occupational; relating to one’s occupation or employment.
OCCUPATIVE adj. held by tenure based on occupation.
OUTACHIEVEoutachieve v. (Transitive) To surpass in achievement; to achieve more than.
OUTACHIEVE v. to surpass in achievement.
OUTCAVILEDOUTCAVIL v. to surpass in caviling.
OVERCAUGHTovercaught v. Simple past tense and past participle of overcatch.
OVERCATCH v. to overtake.
SUBOCTAVESsuboctaves n. Plural of suboctave.
SUBOCTAVE n. the octave below.
VACUOLATEDvacuolated adj. Having vacuoles.
VACUOLATED adj. having vacuoles, also VACUOLATE.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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