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List of 10-letter words containing

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There are 8 ten-letter words containing A, C, E, N, P, R and V

APPROVANCEapprovance n. (Archaic) Approval.
APPROVANCE n. (archaic) approval.
OVERCANOPYovercanopy v. (Transitive) To form a canopy over.
OVERCANOPY v. to cover as with a canopy.
PREVALENCEprevalence n. The quality or condition of being prevalent; wide extension or spread.
prevalence n. (Epidemiology) The total number of cases of a disease in a given statistical population at a given time…
PREVALENCE n. the state of being prevalent, also PREVALENCY.
PREVALENCYprevalency n. Prevalence.
PREVALENCY n. the state of being prevalent, also PREVALENCE.
PREVENANCYprevenancy n. (Obsolete) The act of anticipating another’s wishes, desires, etc., by way of favour or courtesy; obligingness.
PREVENANCY n. courteous anticipation of others' wishes.
PROVENANCEprovenance n. Place or source of origin.
provenance n. (Archaeology) The place and time of origin of some artifact or other object. See Usage note below.
provenance n. (Art) The history of ownership of a work of art.
PROVENCALESorry, definition not available.
PURVEYANCEpurveyance n. The act of purveying.
purveyance n. (Britain, historical) The prerogative of the Crown to static separation of duty with goods and services for royal use.
PURVEYANCE n. the act of purveying.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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