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List of 10-letter words containing

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There are 15 ten-letter words containing A, C, E, L, 2P and S

APOCALYPSEapocalypse n. A revelation, especially of supernatural events.
apocalypse n. (Christianity) The unveiling of events prophesied in the Revelation; the second coming and the end of…
apocalypse n. (Christianity) The Book of Revelation.
APPLECARTSapplecarts n. Plural of applecart.
apple-carts n. Plural of apple-cart.
apple␣carts n. Plural of apple cart.
APPLEJACKSapplejacks n. Plural of applejack.
APPLEJACK n. apple brandy, distilled from fermented apple juice, also APPLECART.
APPLESAUCEapplesauce n. (US spelling) Alternative spelling of apple sauce.
applesauce n. (Slang, US, dated, 1920s) Nonsense, balderdash, bunk, piffle.
applesauce interj. (Slang, US, dated) Nonsense!
APPLIANCESappliances n. Plural of appliance.
APPLIANCE n. an instrument or tool used for a particular purpose.
CRABAPPLEScrabapples n. Plural of crabapple.
crab-apples n. Plural of crab-apple.
crab␣apples n. Plural of crab apple.
CURLPAPERScurlpapers n. Plural of curlpaper.
curl-papers n. Plural of curl-paper.
CURLPAPER n. a strip of paper round which the hair is twisted to give it a curl.
PAPERCLIPSpaperclips n. Plural of paperclip.
paper␣clips n. Plural of paper clip.
PAPERCLIP n. a bent wire clip for holding papers together.
PLANTSCAPESorry, definition not available.
SAPROPELICsapropelic adj. Of or pertaining to sapropel.
SAPROPELIC adj. living in sapropel.
SCALOPPINEscaloppine n. (Cooking) A thin scallop of veal (sometimes other meat) dredged in flour and then sautéed.
SCALOPPINE n. (Italian) thin slices of meat coated with flour and fried, also SCALOPPINI.
SPACEPLANEspaceplane n. A rocket plane designed to pass the edge of space, combining certain features of aircraft and spacecraft.
SPACEPLANE n. an aircraft that can fly in space.
SUPPLEJACKsupplejack n. Any of various North American vines that have supple stems.
supplejack n. A cane made from such a plant used as a walking stick or as a whip.
supplejack n. A child’s toy in the form of a man with jointed limbs controlled by a string; a jumping jack.
SUPPLIANCEsuppliance n. Supplication; entreaty.
suppliance n. That which supplies a want; assistance; a gratification; satisfaction.
SUPPLIANCE n. (Shakespeare) supplying.
SUPPLICATEsupplicate v. (Transitive).
supplicate v. (Intransitive).
SUPPLICATE v. to entreat for.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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