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List of 10-letter words containing

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There are 17 ten-letter words containing A, C, E, 2L, N and P

APLACENTALaplacental adj. (Zoology) Lacking a placenta; belonging to the Aplacentata.
APLACENTAL adj. having no placenta.
CAPELLINEScapellines n. Plural of capelline.
CAPELLINE n. a small iron skullcap worn by archers, also CAPELINE.
CAPELLINISCAPELLINI n. (Italian) a type of pasta.
CELLOPHANEcellophane n. Any of a variety of transparent plastic films, especially one made of processed cellulose.
cellophane v. (Transitive) To wrap or package in cellophane.
CELLOPHANE n. (tradename) a tough transparent wrapping material.
CHAPFALLENchapfallen adj. Crestfallen, dejected.
CHAPFALLEN adj. dejected, dispirited, also CHOPFALLEN.
CHOPFALLENchopfallen adj. Synonym of chapfallen.
CHOPFALLEN adj. dejected, dispirited, also CHAPFALLEN.
INCULPABLEinculpable adj. Not culpable; immune from liability.
INCULPABLE adj. blameless.
PALLESCENTpallescent adj. Growing or becoming pale.
PALLESCENT adj. turning pale.
PARCELLINGparcelling v. (Britain) present participle of parcel.
parcelling n. (Nautical) One of the long, narrow slips of canvas daubed with tar and wound about a rope like a bandage…
PARCEL v. to divide into parts or shares.
PENICILLIApenicillia n. Plural of penicillium.
PENICILLIUM n. any of a genus of fungus which includes mould on jam, cheese etc.
PERICLINALpericlinal adj. (Biology) Parallel to the surface of an organ.
periclinal adj. (Botany) Of a type of cell division in a layer of cells that occurs parallel to an adjacent layer of cells.
PERICLINAL adj. sloping downwards in all directions from a point.
PLACENTALSplacentals n. Plural of placental.
PLACENTAL n. a placental mammal.
PLANETICALplanetical adj. (Obsolete) Synonym of planetary.
PLANETICAL adj. of or pertaining to planets, also PLANETIC.
REPELLANCEREPELLANCE n. the act of repelling, also REPELLANCY.
REPELLANCYrepellancy n. Misspelling of repellency.
REPELLANCY n. the act of repelling, also REPELLANCE.
SPANCELLEDspancelled v. Simple past tense and past participle of spancel.
spancelled adj. (Of a horse) hobbled with a spancel.
SPANCEL v. to bind with a rope.
SPELLICANSspellicans n. Plural of spellican.
SPELLICAN n. a small slip of wood, ivory, etc., to be picked out from a heap without disturbing the others in the game of spillikins, also SPILIKIN, SPILLIKIN.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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