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There are 18 ten-letter words containing A, C, E, I, M, N and Y

ANEMICALLYanemically adv. In an anemic manner.
ANEMIC adv. suffering from anemia, also ANAEMIC.
CACONYMIESCACONYMY n. the state of having an erroneous name.
CYANAMIDEScyanamides n. Plural of cyanamide.
CYANAMIDE n. the amide of cyanogen, a white crystalline substance, also CYANAMID, CYANOGENAMIDE.
CYSTEAMINEcysteamine n. (Biochemistry) The simplest stable aminothiol, a degradation product of the amino acid cysteine, used…
CYSTEAMINE n. a cysteine derivative that has been used in the prevention of radiation sickness.
EFFEMINACYeffeminacy n. The quality of being effeminate.
EFFEMINACY n. the quality of being effeminate.
GEODYNAMICgeodynamic adj. Of or pertaining to geodynamics.
GEODYNAMIC adj. related to geodynamics, the study of the dynamic processes and forces within the earth.
HACKNEYISMHACKNEYISM n. the quality of being hackneyed.
HEMOCYANINhemocyanin n. (Biochemistry) a blue copper-containing respiratory pigment (a metalloprotein) found in most molluscs…
HEMOCYANIN n. a colourless copper-containing respiratory pigment in the circulatory fluid of various arthropods and mollusks, also HAEMOCYANIN.
HIEROMANCYhieromancy n. Divination by interpreting sacred objects, often used in sacrificial offerings. Similar to aruspicy.
HIEROMANCY n. divination by studying objects offered in sacrifice.
HYPERMANIChypermanic adj. Relating to, or exhibiting, hypermania.
HYPERMANIC adj. suffering from hypermania, an extreme form of mania.
IMPECCANCYimpeccancy n. The quality of being sinless.
IMPECCANCY n. sinlessness.
INNUMERACYinnumeracy n. An ignorance of mathematics, or an inability to manipulate numbers.
INNUMERACY n. the state of being innumerate.
MENACINGLYmenacingly adv. In a menacing manner.
MENACING adv. MENACE, to threaten.
MENDICANCYmendicancy n. The act or state of being a mendicant.
MENDICANCY n. the practice of begging, also MENDICITY.
MISCELLANYmiscellany n. Miscellaneous items.
miscellany n. A collection of writings on various subjects or topics; an anthology.
MISCELLANY n. a mixture of various kinds.
MISCREANCYmiscreancy n. Alternative form of miscreance.
MISCREANCY n. (Spenser) false religious belief, also MISCREANCE, MISCREAUNCE.
MYASTHENICmyasthenic adj. Of, pertaining to, or suffering from myasthenia.
myasthenic n. An individual who has myasthenia.
MYASTHENIC n. one suffering from myasthenia, muscular weakness or debility.
MYOMANCIESMYOMANCY n. divination from the movements of mice.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the 1Word.ws and WikWik.org.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 75 words
  • Scrabble in French: 5 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: 2 words
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: 1 word

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