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There are 18 ten-letter words containing A, C, E, I, 2M and T

ASYMMETRICasymmetric adj. Not symmetric.
asymmetric adj. (Cryptography) Not involving a mutual exchange of keys between the sender and receiver.
asymmetric adj. (Set theory) Of a relation R on a set S: having the property that for any two elements of S (not necessarily…
CAMPIMETRYcampimetry n. Perimetry.
CAMPIMETRY n. a technique for assessing the central part of the visual field.
COMMINATEDcomminated v. Simple past tense and past participle of comminate.
COMMINATE v. to threaten; to denounce.
COMMINATEScomminates v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of comminate.
COMMINATE v. to threaten; to denounce.
DERMATOMICdermatomic adj. Synonym of dermatomal.
DERMATOMIC adj. relating to a dermatome, the lateral wall of a somite from which the dermis is produced.
DILEMMATICdilemmatic adj. Of or relating to a dilemma.
DILEMMATIC adj. relating to a dilemma.
EMBLEMATICemblematic adj. Serving as, or relating to a symbol, emblem or illustration of a type.
emblematic adj. (Figurative) Typical.
EMBLEMATIC adj. of, relating to, or constituting an emblem, also EMBLEMATICAL.
IMMACULATEimmaculate adj. Absolutely tidy, having no blemish or stain.
immaculate adj. (Zoology) (botany) Lacking blotches, spots, or other markings.
immaculate adj. (Figurative) containing no mistakes.
IMMITTANCEimmittance n. (Physics, electronics) Either the impedance or the admittance of an electrical network, considered as alternatives.
IMMITTANCE n. the act of immitting, inserting.
MANOMETRICmanometric adj. Of or pertaining to manometry, or measured using a manometer.
MANOMETRIC adj. relating to manometry, the measurement of the pressure of fluids, also MANOMETRICAL.
MATHEMATICmathematic adj. (Archaic) mathematical.
MATHEMATIC adj. related to mathematics, also MATHEMATICAL.
MEDICAMENTmedicament n. A medicine, medication or drug.
MEDICAMENT n. an externally applied curative treatment.
MEDICAMENT v. to treat with a medicament.
MELISMATICmelismatic adj. (Music) Of, relating to, or being a melisma; the style of singing several notes to one syllable of text.
MELISMATIC adj. in florid style, esp. of singing one syllable on a number of notes.
MINCEMEATSmincemeats n. Plural of mincemeat.
MINCEMEAT n. a mixture of dried fruit, spices, etc., used esp. for filling pies; minced meat.
MISCHMETALmischmetal n. An alloy or rare earth elements containing about 50% cerium and 50% lanthanum, neodymium, and similar…
MISCHMETAL n. an alloy of cerium with certain rare earth metals and iron, used to produce the spark in lighters.
MISMATCHEDmismatched v. Simple past tense and past participle of mismatch.
mismatched adj. Unsuitably matched; ill joined.
MISMATCH v. to match badly.
MISMATCHESmismatches n. Plural of mismatch.
mismatches v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of mismatch.
MISMATCH v. to match badly.
SCHEMATISMschematism n. A schematic representation; a schema.
schematism n. (Astrology) The combination of the heavenly bodies.
SCHEMATISM n. combination of the aspects of heavenly bodies.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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