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List of 10-letter words containing

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There are 17 ten-letter words containing A, C, E, 2I, T and Y

ACETIFYINGacetifying v. Present participle of acetify.
ACETIFY v. to convert to vinegar.
ACIDIMETRYacidimetry n. (Chemistry) The measurement of the strength of acids, especially by a chemical process based on the…
ACIDIMETRY n. the measurement of the strength of acids.
CREATIVITYcreativity n. The ability to use imagination to produce a novel idea or product.
Creativity prop.n. A nontheistic religion based on religious naturalism and white racialism.
CREATIVITY n. the quality of being creative.
DIAPYETICSDIAPYETIC n. a substance causing suppuration.
EFFICACITYefficacity n. Efficacy.
EFFICACITY n. the state of being efficacious.
ELASTICITYelasticity n. (Physics) The property by virtue of which a material deformed under load can regain its original dimensions…
elasticity n. (Economics) The sensitivity of changes in a quantity with respect to changes in another quantity.
elasticity n. (Computing) A measure of the flexibility of a data store’s data model and clustering capabilities.
ESSAYISTICessayistic adj. Characteristic of, or proper to, an essayist.
ESSAYISTIC adj. relating to an essayist.
ETHICALITYethicality n. The state, quality, or manner of being ethical.
ETHICALITY n. the quality of being ethical.
ILLITERACYilliteracy n. (Uncountable) The inability to read and write.
illiteracy n. (Uncountable) The portion of a population unable to read and write, generally given as a percentage.
illiteracy n. (Countable) A word, phrase, or grammatical turn thought to be characteristic of an illiterate person.
INACTIVELYinactively adv. In an inactive manner.
INACTIVE adv. not active, also UNACTIVE.
INVERACITYinveracity n. (Uncountable) A lack of veracity.
inveracity n. (Countable) untruth, falsehood.
INVERACITY n. want of veracity.
ITINERANCYitinerancy n. The state or quality of being itinerant.
itinerancy n. The Methodist pastorate, or itinerant preaching in general.
ITINERANCY n. making journeys from place to place, also ITINERACY.
LEGITIMACYlegitimacy n. The quality or state of being legitimate or valid; validity.
legitimacy n. Lawfulness of birth or origin; directness of descent as affecting the royal succession.
LEGITIMACY n. the quality of being legitimate.
LEXICALITYlexicality n. The condition of being lexical.
lexicality n. The degree to which something is lexical.
LEXICALITY n. the quality of belonging to a lexicon.
PERACIDITYPERACIDITY n. the state of being peracid.
REACTIVITYreactivity n. Responsiveness to stimulation.
reactivity n. (Chemistry) relative susceptibility to chemical reaction.
REACTIVITY n. the state of being reactive.
SPECIALITYspeciality n. Britain standard form of specialty.
SPECIALITY n. the particular characteristic skill, use, etc. of a person or thing, also SPECIALTY.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 41 words
  • Scrabble in French: 2 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: 4 words
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: 1 word

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