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List of 10-letter words containing

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There are 17 ten-letter words containing A, C, E, G, I, R and U

BARBECUINGbarbecuing v. Present participle of barbecue.
BARBECUE v. to grill over an open fire, also BARBEQUE.
CIGUATERASciguateras n. Plural of ciguatera.
CIGUATERA n. (Spanish) poisoning caused by the ingestion of various normally edible tropical fish in whose flesh a toxin has accumulated.
CRAIGFLUKECRAIGFLUKE n. a type of flat fish, aka the witch.
CURTILAGEScurtilages n. Plural of curtilage.
CURTILAGE n. an area of land encompassing a dwelling and its surrounding yard, considered as enclosed whether fenced or not.
DISCOURAGEdiscourage v. (Transitive) To extinguish the courage of; to dishearten; to depress the spirits of; to deprive of confidence;…
discourage v. (Transitive) To persuade somebody not to do (something).
discourage n. (Rare) Lack of courage.
ERUCTATINGeructating v. Present participle of eructate.
ERUCTATE v. to belch out, also ERUCT.
GAUCHERIESgaucheries n. Plural of gaucherie.
GAUCHERIE n. (French) an awkward or socially unacceptable remark.
GRATICULESgraticules n. Plural of graticule.
GRATICULE n. a design or draught which has been divided into squares, in order to reproduce it in other dimensions.
LACQUERINGlacquering v. Present participle of lacquer.
lacquering n. An application of lacquer.
LACQUERING n. a coating of lacquer.
MEGACURIESmegacuries n. Plural of megacurie.
MEGACURIE n. a unit of radiation, a million curies.
RACQUETINGracqueting v. Present participle of racquet.
RACQUET v. to strike with a racquet.
REACCUSINGreaccusing v. Present participle of reaccuse.
REACCUSE v. to accuse again.
SURCEASINGsurceasing v. Present participle of surcease.
SURCEASE v. to stop or cease.
THEURGICALtheurgical adj. Of or pertaining to theurgy.
theurgical adj. Of or pertaining to magic.
THEURGICAL adj. of or pertaining to theurgy; magical, also THEURGIC.
ULCERATINGulcerating v. Present participle of ulcerate.
ULCERATE v. to affect with a type of lesion, also ULCER.
UNCREATINGuncreating v. Present participle of uncreate.
UNCREATE v. to deprive of existence.
UPREACHINGupreaching v. Present participle of upreach.
UPREACH v. to reach up.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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