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List of 10-letter words containing

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There are 10 ten-letter words containing A, C, E, 2G, I and O

ANGIOGENICangiogenic adj. Relating to angiogenesis.
angiogenic adj. Of or pertaining to blood vessels.
ANGIOGENIC adj. relating to angiogenesis, the development of blood vessels and heart tissue in the embryo.
CONGEALINGcongealing v. Present participle of congeal.
CONGEAL v. to change from a fluid to a solid.
GENEALOGICgenealogic adj. Archaic form of genealogical.
GENEALOGIC adj. relating to genealogy, also GENEALOGICAL.
GEOCACHINGgeocaching n. A pastime in which participants use a GPS receiver to find a hidden container at a specific latitude…
geocaching v. Present participle of geocache.
GEOCACHING n. a treasure hunting game where you use a GPS to hide and seek containers with other participants in the activity.
GEOGRAPHICgeographic adj. Pertaining to geography (or to geographics).
geographic adj. Determined by geography, as opposed to magnetic (i.e. North).
GEOGRAPHIC adj. of or relating to geography, also GEOGRAPHICAL.
GEOLOGICALgeological adj. Synonym of geologic.
GEOLOGICAL adj. relating to geology, also GEOLOGIC.
OCEANGOINGoceangoing adj. Travelling out to sea.
oceangoing adj. (Nautical, of a vessel) designed for use on ocean voyages.
ocean-going adj. (Nautical) Designed and equipped to be capable of sailing on an ocean.
PAEDAGOGICpaedagogic adj. (Chiefly British spelling) Alternative form of pedagogic.
pædagogic adj. Obsolete form of pedagogic.
PAEDAGOGIC adj. like a paedagogue, also PEDAGOGIC, PEDAGOGICAL.
PEDAGOGICSpedagogics n. The science or art of teaching; pedagogy.
PEDAGOGICS n. the science and principles of teaching.
RACEGOINGSRACEGOING n. attendance at race meetings.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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