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List of 10-letter words containing

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There are 18 ten-letter words containing A, C, E, F, P, R and S

AFTERCLAPSafterclaps n. Plural of afterclap.
after-claps n. Plural of after-clap.
AFTERCLAP n. an unexpected damaging or unsettling aftereffect.
CAPRIFOLEScaprifoles n. Plural of caprifole.
CAPRIFOLE n. honeysuckle, also CAPRIFOIL.
CREAMPUFFScreampuffs n. Plural of creampuff.
cream␣puffs n. Plural of cream puff.
CREAMPUFF n. puff pastry filled with cream; (slang) an effeminate man.
FACEPRINTSfaceprints n. Plural of faceprint.
FACEPRINT n. a digitally recorded representation of a person's face that can be used for security purposes.
FIREPLACESfireplaces n. Plural of fireplace.
FIREPLACE n. an open recess in a wall of a room, at the base of a chimney, etc., for a fire.
FIRESCAPEDFIRESCAPE v. to arrange the features of (a garden or other area of land) in a way that inhibits the spread of fire.
FIRESCAPESFIRESCAPE v. to arrange the features of (a garden or other area of land) in a way that inhibits the spread of fire.
OPACIFIERSopacifiers n. Plural of opacifier.
OPACIFIER n. something that opacifies.
PACKFRAMESPACKFRAME n. a light metal frame with shoulder straps, used for carrying heavy loads.
PARFLECHESparfleches n. Plural of parfleche.
PARFLECHE n. (French) rawhide soaked in lye and water, then dried on a stretcher for shields, also PARFLESH.
PREFASCISTprefascist adj. Prior to fascism.
prefascist n. A person with fascist leanings or beliefs prior to the founding of fascism in 1919.
PREFASCIST adj. belonging to the period before fascism.
REPACIFIESrepacifies v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of repacify.
REPACIFY v. to pacify again.
ROOFSCAPESroofscapes n. Plural of roofscape.
ROOFSCAPE n. a view of roofs.
SPACECRAFTspacecraft n. A vehicle that travels through space.
SPACECRAFT n. a vehicle or device designed for travel or operation outside the earth's atmosphere.
SPACEFARERspacefarer n. (Chiefly science fiction) a person who travels in space.
SPACEFRAMEspaceframe n. Alternative form of space frame.
space␣frame n. (Architecture) A three-dimensional truss, often of steel, forming a rigid, stable structure.
SUPERFECTAsuperfecta n. A method of betting in which the bettor, in order to win, must pick the first four finishers of a race…
SUPERFECTA n. a bet in which the bettor must pick the first four winners of a race in the correct order.
SUPERFLACKsuperflack n. (Informal) A highly successful publicity agent.
SUPERFLACK n. a superior press agent.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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