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List of 10-letter words containing

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There are 15 ten-letter words containing A, C, 2E, G and 2R

ADRENERGICadrenergic adj. Having the quality of adrenaline or epinephrine.
adrenergic adj. Containing or releasing adrenaline.
adrenergic adj. Activated by an adrenal mechanism.
CAREGIVERScaregivers n. Plural of caregiver.
care-givers n. Plural of care-giver.
CAREGIVER n. one who looks after another.
CARRAGEENScarrageens n. Plural of carrageen.
CARRAGEEN n. (Irish) a kind of dark red, branched seaweed, aka Irish moss, also CARAGEEN, CARRAGHEEN.
CARRAGHEENcarragheen n. Alternative form of carrageen.
CARRAGHEEN n. (Irish) a kind of dark red, branched seaweed, aka Irish moss, also CARAGEEN, CARRAGEEN.
ENCOURAGERencourager n. One who provides encouragement.
ENCOURAGER n. one who encourages.
GRAMERCIESgramercies n. Plural of gramercy.
GRAMERCY n. an expression of gratitude.
GROCETERIAgroceteria n. (North America, dated) A self-service grocery store.
GROCETERIA n. (US) a self-service grocery store.
OVERCHARGEovercharge v. (Transitive, intransitive) To charge (somebody) more money than the correct amount or to surpass a certain…
overcharge v. (Transitive) To continue to charge (an electrical device) beyond its capacity.
overcharge v. To charge (someone) with an inflated number or degree of legal charges (for example, charging them with…
PRECHARGEDprecharged adj. Charged in advance.
precharged v. Simple past tense and past participle of precharge.
pre-charged adj. Alternative form of precharged.
PRECHARGESprecharges n. Plural of precharge.
precharges v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of precharge.
pre-charges n. Plural of pre-charge.
RECHARGERSrechargers n. Plural of recharger.
RECHARGER n. a device for recharging e.g. a battery.
RECREATINGrecreating v. Present participle of recreate.
re-creating v. Present participle of re-create.
RECREATE v. to reinvigorate.
REGENERACYregeneracy n. The condition of being regenerated.
REGENERACY n. the state of being regenerated.
REPACKAGERrepackager n. An individual or company that repackages a product.
REPACKAGER n. one who repackages.
SCREENAGERscreenager n. A teenager who spends a lot of time in front of the screen of a personal computer or video game console.
SCREENAGER n. a socially inept teenager who is adept at electronic communication.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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