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List of 10-letter words containing

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There are 8 ten-letter words containing A, C, 2E, G, N and P

CHEAPENINGcheapening v. Present participle of cheapen.
cheapening n. The process by which something is cheapened or made vulgar.
CHEAPEN v. to lower the value of.
EMPEACHINGempeaching v. Present participle of empeach.
EMPEACH v. (Spenser) to accuse of impropriety, also IMPEACH.
PAEDOGENICpaedogenic adj. Alternative form of pedogenic.
PAEDOGENIC adj. of an animal, reproducing in the larval stage.
PANGENETICpangenetic adj. Of or pertaining to pangenesis.
PANGENETIC adj. of or pertaining to pangenesis.
PERCENTAGEpercentage n. The amount, number or rate of something, regarded as part of a total of 100; a part of a whole.
percentage n. A share of the sales, profits, gross margin or similar.
percentage n. (Informal) Benefit or advantage.
PHAGEDENICphagedenic adj. Relating to phagedena.
PHAGEDENIC adj. relating to phagedena, hospital gangrene, also PHAGEDAENIC.
PREGNANCESpregnances n. Plural of pregnance.
PREGNANCE n. (obsolete) pregnancy, also PREGNANCY.
REPUGNANCErepugnance n. Extreme aversion, repulsion.
repugnance n. Contradiction, inconsistency, incompatibility, incongruity; an instance of such.
REPUGNANCE n. strong dislike, antipathy, also REPUGNANCY.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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