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List of 10-letter words containing

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There are 11 ten-letter words containing A, C, D, 2O and 2R

COMPRADOREcompradore n. Alternative form of comprador.
COMPRADORE n. (Portuguese) a native agent or intermediary through whom a foreign power trades, also COMPRADOR.
COMPRADORScompradors n. Plural of comprador.
COMPRADOR n. (Portuguese) a native agent or intermediary through whom a foreign power trades, also COMPRADORE.
CORKBOARDScorkboards n. Plural of corkboard.
cork-boards n. Plural of cork-board.
CORKBOARD n. a thin composite board made of cork and resin, used e.g. as insulation.
CORRODANTScorrodants n. Plural of corrodant.
CORRODANT n. a corrosive agent, also CORRODENT.
CROSSROADScrossroads n. Plural of crossroad.
crossroads n. A place where one road crosses another; an intersection of two or more roads.
crossroads n. (By extension) A centrally located position.
DECORATORSdecorators n. Plural of decorator.
DECORATOR n. one who decorates.
HYDROCORALhydrocoral n. Any hydrozoan, of the order Anthoathecata, that has a calcareous skeleton and so resembles a coral.
HYDROCORAL n. any hydrozoan coelenterate of an order which includes the millepores.
PARADOCTORparadoctor n. (Rare) A doctor on a pararescue team.
PARADOCTOR n. a doctor who parachutes to patients in remote areas.
SCOREBOARDscoreboard n. A large board that displays the score in a game or contest.
scoreboard n. (Cricket) A similar board that also displays each batsman’s score, and many statistics and pieces of information.
scoreboard n. (By extension) A listing of various similar entities along with their properties, such as status or rank.
UROCHORDALurochordal adj. (Zoology) Of or pertaining to the Urochorda.
UROCHORDAL adj. of or pertaining to the Urochorda, tunicates.
WOODCARVERwoodcarver n. A person who is skilled at woodcarving.
WOODCARVER n. a craftsman who carves wood.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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