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There are 20 ten-letter words containing A, C, D, M, O, R and T

ACIDOMETERacidometer n. A hydrometer, especially one that is used to measure the strength of an acid.
acidometer n. Any of various other devices used to measure acidity, either chemical or electronic.
ACIDOMETER n. a type of hydrometer for measuring the relative density of an acid solution, esp. the acid in a battery, also ACIDIMETER.
ANTIDROMICantidromic adj. (Neurology, of a nerve impulse) flowing in the opposite direction from normal.
ANTIDROMIC adj. of nerve fibres, conducting impulses in the opposite direction to normal.
CHROMATIDSchromatids n. Plural of chromatid.
CHROMATID n. one of the two threadlike structures formed by the longitudinal division of a chromosome.
CHROMATOIDchromatoid adj. Resembling chromatin.
chromatoid n. (Cytology) The part of a nucleus comprising DNA and proteins where chromosomes are formed.
CHROMATOID adj. relating to chromatin, a protein/DNA complex making the chromosome.
DECIMATORSdecimators n. Plural of decimator.
DECIMATOR n. one who decimates.
DEMARCATORdemarcator n. One who or that which demarcates.
DEMARCATOR n. one who demarcates.
DEMOCRATICdemocratic adj. Pertaining to democracy; constructed upon or in line with the principle of government chosen by the people.
democratic adj. Exhibiting social equality; egalitarian.
democratic adj. (US, politics) Alternative letter-case form of Democratic (“of, pertaining to, or supporting the Democratic…
DERMATOMICdermatomic adj. Synonym of dermatomal.
DERMATOMIC adj. relating to a dermatome, the lateral wall of a somite from which the dermis is produced.
DICHROMATEdichromate n. (Chemistry) any salt of dichromic acid; in solution the orange dichromate anion (Cr2O72-) is in equilibrium…
DICHROMATE n. a salt of chromic acid containing two equivalents of the acid radical to one of the base, also DICHROMAT.
DICHROMATSdichromats n. Plural of dichromat.
DICHROMAT n. a salt of chromic acid containing two equivalents of the acid radical to one of the base, also DICHROMATE.
DOCKMASTERdockmaster n. Someone in charge of a dock, or of docking.
DOCKMASTER n. one in charge of a dock.
ECTODERMALectodermal adj. (Biology) Of or pertaining to the ectoderm.
ECTODERMAL adj. of or relating to the ectoderm, also ECTODERMIC.
EMBROCATEDembrocated v. Simple past tense and past participle of embrocate.
EMBROCATE v. to moisten and rub with a lotion.
FORMICATEDformicated v. Simple past tense and past participle of formicate.
FORMICATE v. to crawl around like an ant.
MATCHBOARDmatchboard n. (Carpentry) A type of wooden board that connects with others using a tongue and groove system.
matchboard n. (Sand casting) A thin piece of material (such as wood, plaster, or metal) that forms and aligns the…
MATCHBOARD n. one of a number of boards with a tongue cut along one edge and a groove in the opposite edge, fitted one into the next to make a wall-facing, etc.
MOTORCADEDmotorcaded v. Simple past tense and past participle of motorcade.
MOTORCADE v. to travel in a motorcade.
MOTORCADESmotorcades n. Plural of motorcade.
MOTORCADE v. to travel in a motorcade.
MUCRONATEDmucronated adj. Mucronate.
MUCRONATED adj. terminating in a sharp point, also MUCRONATE.
OUTCHARMEDoutcharmed v. Simple past tense and past participle of outcharm.
OUTCHARM v. to surpass in charming.
OUTMARCHEDoutmarched v. Simple past tense and past participle of outmarch.
OUTMARCH v. to surpass in marching.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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