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List of 10-letter words containing

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There are 16 ten-letter words containing A, C, D, M, N, O and T

ADENECTOMYadenectomy n. (Medicine) The removal of all or part of the adenoid glands by surgery.
ADENECTOMY n. the surgical removal of the adenoids, also ADENOIDECTOMY.
ANTIDROMICantidromic adj. (Neurology, of a nerve impulse) flowing in the opposite direction from normal.
ANTIDROMIC adj. of nerve fibres, conducting impulses in the opposite direction to normal.
COATIMUNDIcoatimundi n. The ring-tailed coati, Nasua nasua, a South American carnivore.
COATIMUNDI n. (Tupi) a tropical American plantigrade carnivorous mammal, also COATI.
CODOMINANTcodominant adj. Equally dominant.
codominant adj. (Genetics) Describing two or more alleles that are equally dominant.
codominant n. A species or organism that jointly dominates a region.
COLUMNATEDcolumnated adj. (Architecture) Having columns; columnar.
COLUMNATED adj. having columns, also COLUMNIATED.
COMMANDANTcommandant n. A commanding officer, usually of a specific force or division.
Commandant n. (South Africa, military, historical) Title for the officer in charge of a commando or district.
COMMANDANT n. a commanding officer.
COMMINATEDcomminated v. Simple past tense and past participle of comminate.
COMMINATE v. to threaten; to denounce.
DECIMATIONdecimation n. (Strictly) The killing or punishment of every tenth person, usually by lot.
decimation n. (Generally) The killing or destruction of any large portion of a population.
decimation n. A tithe or the act of tithing.
DEMICANTONDEMICANTON n. one of two parts of certain Swiss cantons.
DOCUMENTALdocumental adj. (Obsolete) Of or relating to instruction.
documental adj. (Archaic) Of or relating to written evidence; documentary.
DOCUMENTAL adj. of or pertaining to instruction.
MASTODONICmastodonic adj. Of, or pertaining to, the mastodon.
mastodonic adj. Huge, gigantic (Can we add an example for this sense?).
MASTODONIC adj. of or like a mastodon, also MASTODONTIC.
MEDICATIONmedication n. A medicine, or all the medicines regularly taken by a patient.
medication n. The administration of medicine.
MEDICATION n. the act of medicating.
MONADISTICMONADISTIC adj. relating to monadism, the theory that there exist ultimate units of being.
MUCRONATEDmucronated adj. Mucronate.
MUCRONATED adj. terminating in a sharp point, also MUCRONATE.
NEMATOCIDEnematocide n. Alternative form of nematicide.
NEMATOCIDE n. a substance used to kill nematodes, also NEMATICIDE.
UNDOGMATICundogmatic adj. Not dogmatic.
UNDOGMATIC adj. not dogmatic.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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