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List of 10-letter words containing

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There are 20 ten-letter words containing A, C, D, L, O, R and U

CLANGOUREDclangoured v. Simple past tense and past participle of clangour.
CLANGOUR v. to clang loudly, also CLANGOR.
COLLARSTUDCOLLARSTUD n. a stud for fastening a collar.
COLUBRIADSCOLUBRIAD n. (Cowper) the epic of a snake.
DICOUMAROLdicoumarol n. An anticoagulant that functions as a vitamin K antagonist, also used in biochemical experiments as an…
DICOUMAROL n. a crystalline compound obtained from sweet clover hay, also DICOUMARIN, DICUMAROL.
DICUMAROLSdicumarols n. Plural of dicumarol.
DICUMAROL n. a crystalline compound obtained from sweet clover hay, also DICOUMARIN, DICOUMAROL.
DISCOURSALdiscoursal adj. Relating to discourse.
DISCOURSAL adj. relating to discourse.
DOULOCRACYdoulocracy n. Alternative form of dulocracy.
DOULOCRACY n. a government formed of privileged slaves, also DULOCRACY.
DUPLICATORduplicator n. A device that reproduces something, such as printed documents or compact discs; a copier.
DUPLICATOR n. one that duplicates.
EDULCORANTedulcorant adj. Having a tendency to purify or sweeten by removing or correcting acidity and acrimony.
EDULCORANT adj. having a tendency to purify or to sweeten by removing or correcting acidity and acrimony.
EDULCORATEedulcorate v. (Rare) To sweeten.
edulcorate v. (Rare) To make more acceptable or palatable.
edulcorate v. (Rare) To free from acidity.
ELUCIDATORelucidator n. One who elucidates.
ELUCIDATOR n. one who elucidates.
LARDACEOUSlardaceous adj. Resembling lard.
LARDACEOUS adj. of or like lard.
LEUCODERMAleucoderma n. (Pathology) A loss of skin pigmentation, often in patches.
LEUCODERMA n. a condition in which white patches, surrounded by a pigmented area, appear on the skin, also LEUCODERMIA, LEUKODERMA.
OUTCRAWLEDoutcrawled v. Simple past tense and past participle of outcrawl.
OUTCRAWL v. to surpass in crawling.
PROCEDURALprocedural adj. Related to procedure.
procedural adj. (Computing) Generated by means of a procedure, rather than being designed.
procedural n. (Literature) A type of literature, film, or television program involving a sequence of technical detail.
RADICULOSEradiculose adj. Producing many rootlets or radicles.
RADICULOSE adj. producing numerous radicles, or rootlets.
SDRUCCIOLAsdrucciola adj. (Rare, prosody, of a rhyme) Formed of words stressed on their antepenults and rhyming on all three final syllables.
SDRUCCIOLA adj. (Italian) (of rhyme) triple.
TRUCKLOADStruckloads n. Plural of truckload.
TRUCKLOAD n. the contents of a truck.
UROCHORDALurochordal adj. (Zoology) Of or pertaining to the Urochorda.
UROCHORDAL adj. of or pertaining to the Urochorda, tunicates.
UXORICIDALuxoricidal adj. Of or pertaining to uxoricide.
UXORICIDAL adj. of or pertaining to uxoricide.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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