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List of 10-letter words containing

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There are 15 ten-letter words containing A, C, D, I, N and 2T

ADMITTANCEadmittance n. The act of admitting.
admittance n. Permission to enter, the power or right of entrance.
admittance n. Actual entrance, reception.
ANECDOTISTanecdotist n. One who relates anecdotes.
ANECDOTIST n. one who relates or collects anecdotes.
CONTRADICTcontradict v. To deny the truth or validity of (a statement or statements).
contradict v. To oppose (a person) by denying the truth or pertinence of a given statement.
contradict v. To be contrary to (something).
DETOXICANTdetoxicant adj. That detoxicates.
detoxicant n. Any material that detoxicates.
DETOXICANT n. an agent that detoxicates, gets rid of a poison.
DETRACTINGdetracting v. Present participle of detract.
detracting n. Detraction; slander.
DETRACTING adj. taking away.
DETRACTIONdetraction n. The act of detracting something, or something detracted; taking away; diminution.
detraction n. A derogatory or malicious statement; a disparagement, misrepresentation or slander.
detraction n. (Roman Catholicism) The act of revealing previously unknown faults of another person to a third person.
DICTATIONSdictations n. Plural of dictation.
DICTATION n. the act, art or practice of dictating.
DONATISTICDonatistic adj. Relating to Donatism.
DONATISTIC adj. pertaining to donatism, also DONATISTICAL.
INTERACTEDinteracted v. Simple past tense and past participle of interact.
INTERACT v. to act on one another.
NICTITATEDnictitated v. Simple past tense and past participle of nictitate.
NICTITATE v. to wink or blink.
PANDECTISTpandectist adj. Pertaining to the Pandects compiled under the Roman emperor Justinian I.
pandectist adj. Pertaining to the German adaptation of Roman law in the early sixteenth century.
pandectist n. An expert on the Pandects compiled under the Roman emperor Justinian I.
PECTINATEDpectinated adj. (Anatomy, zoology, botany) Having narrow ridges or projections aligned close together like the teeth of a comb.
PECTINATED adj. toothed like a comb, also PECTINATE.
SANCTITUDEsanctitude n. Holiness; sacredness; sanctity.
sanctitude n. Affected holiness; sanctimoniousness.
SANCTITUDE n. holiness, sanctity.
TRADUCTIONtraduction n. (Uncountable) The act of converting text from one language to another.
traduction n. (Countable) A malign or defamatory statement.
traduction n. (Uncountable) An act of defaming, maligning or slandering.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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