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List of 10-letter words containing

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There are 18 ten-letter words containing A, C, D, I, L, M and N

ADMINICLESadminicles n. Plural of adminicle.
ADMINICLE n. that which supports or aids, esp. evidence.
ALDERMANICaldermanic adj. Of or pertaining to an alderman.
aldermanic adj. (Of size) plump, rotund, fleshy.
aldermanic adj. (Of a sum) substantial, considerable, sizeable.
CALAMONDINcalamondin n. A small decorative evergreen citrus tree, of the hybrid Citrus × microcarpa (syn. ×Citrofortunella mitis)…
calamondin n. The fruit of this tree.
CALAMONDIN n. (Tagalog) a small citrus tree, native to the Philippines; its acid-tasting orange-like fruit.
CALCIMINEDcalcimined v. Simple past tense and past participle of calcimine.
CALCIMINE v. to whitewash with this.
CALMODULINcalmodulin n. (Biochemistry) A calcium-binding protein found in all nucleated cells.
CALMODULIN n. a protein found in plant and animal cells.
COMPLAINEDcomplained v. Simple past tense and past participle of complain.
COMPLAIN v. to express discontent.
CULMINATEDculminated v. Simple past tense and past participle of culminate.
CULMINATE v. to climax.
DECINORMALdecinormal adj. (Chemistry) Having a concentration one tenth that of a normal solution.
DECINORMAL adj. of a chemical solution, of one tenth of normal concentration.
DECLAIMANTdeclaimant n. A declaimer.
DECLAIMANT n. a declaimer.
DECLAIMINGdeclaiming v. Present participle of declaim.
declaiming n. Declamation.
DECLAIMING n. the act of making a declamation.
DEMONIACALdemoniacal adj. Pertaining to, characteristic of, or produced by a demon or evil spirit; devilish, demonic, fiendish.
DEMONIACAL adj. like a demoniac, a person possessed by a demon or evil spirit, also DEMONIC, DEMONICAL.
ENDERMICALendermical adj. Synonym of endermic.
ENDERMICAL adj. acting through the skin, or by direct application to the skin, also ENDERMATIC, ENDERMIC.
HYMNODICALHYMNODICAL adj. relating to a hymnody.
IMBALANCEDimbalanced adj. Experiencing an imbalance; out of balance.
IMBALANCED adj. in a state of imbalance.
IMMANACLEDimmanacled v. Simple past tense and past participle of immanacle.
IMMANACLE v. (Milton) to put in manacles.
MALEDICENTmaledicent adj. (Archaic) reproachful in speech.
maledicent adj. (Archaic) slanderous.
MALEDICENT adj. cursing.
MEDICINALSmedicinals n. Plural of medicinal.
MEDICINAL n. a medicinal substance.
NONMEDICALnonmedical adj. Not of a medical character; not directly involved with medicine.
NONMEDICAL adj. not medical.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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