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List of 10-letter words containing

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There are 18 ten-letter words containing A, C, D, 2I and 2N

ABSCINDINGabscinding v. Present participle of abscind.
ABSCIND v. to cut off.
CLINANDRIAclinandria n. Plural of clinandrium.
CLINANDRIUM n. a cavity in the upper part of the column of an orchid flower that contains the anthers.
CNIDARIANScnidarians n. Plural of cnidarian.
CNIDARIAN n. a coelenterate, that includes sea anemones, hydra, jellyfish, and coral.
CONDOMINIAcondominia n. Plural of condominium.
CONDOMINIUM n. (US) a block of apartments in which each apartment is separately owned.
CRINOIDEANcrinoidean n. (Zoology) Any of the Crinoidea.
CRINOIDEAN adj. like a crinoid.
CRINOIDEAN n. a crinoid.
CYANIDINGScyanidings n. Plural of cyaniding.
CYANIDING n. the extraction of gold or silver from ore by means of potassium cyanide.
DIACONICONdiaconicon n. A sacristy for sacred vessels in a Greek church, on the south side of the bema or sanctuary.
DIACONICON n. a sacristy for sacred vessels in Orthodox churches.
DISCANTINGdiscanting v. Present participle of discant.
DISCANT v. to sing, also DESCANT.
DISENCHAINdisenchain v. (Transitive) To free from restraint.
DISENCHAIN v. to free from restraint.
DISTANCINGdistancing v. Present participle of distance.
distancing n. The process of becoming or making distant.
distancing n. Short for social distancing.
INCENDIARYincendiary adj. Capable of, or used for, or actually causing fire.
incendiary adj. (Figurative) Intentionally stirring up strife, riot, rebellion.
incendiary adj. (Figurative) Inflammatory, emotionally charged.
INCIDENTALincidental adj. Loosely associated; of limited relevance except indirectly; only accidentally related.
incidental adj. Existing tangentially, being a byproduct, a tangent, or a likely consequence.
incidental adj. Occurring by chance.
INDICATINGindicating v. Present participle of indicate.
INDICATE v. to point out.
INDICATIONindication n. Act of pointing out or indicating.
indication n. That which serves to indicate or point out; mark; token; sign; symptom; evidence.
indication n. Discovery made; information.
INDIGNANCEindignance n. Indignation.
INDIGNANCE n. (archaic) indignation, contempt, also INDIGNATION.
INORDINACYinordinacy n. The state or quality of being inordinate; excessiveness.
INORDINACY n. the quality of being inordinate.
JAUNDICINGjaundicing v. Present participle of jaundice.
JAUNDICE v. to prejudice unfavourably.
MANDARINICmandarinic adj. Appropriate or peculiar to a mandarin.
MANDARINIC adj. appropriate or peculiar to a mandarin.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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