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List of 10-letter words containing

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There are 15 ten-letter words containing A, C, D, H, I, P and S

ACIDOPHILSacidophils n. Plural of acidophil.
ACIDOPHIL n. a substance, tissue or organism that stains readily with acid stains, also ACIDOPHILE.
CADETSHIPScadetships n. Plural of cadetship.
CADETSHIP n. the position, rank, or commission of a cadet.
CHIPBOARDSchipboards n. Plural of chipboard.
CHIPBOARD n. reconstructed wood made from compressed chippings.
CLAPDISHESclapdishes n. Plural of clapdish.
CLAPDISH n. (archaic) a wooden dish carried by beggars, with a moveable lid which they clacked to attract attention, also CLACKDISH.
COWARDSHIPcowardship n. (Obsolete) cowardice.
COWARDSHIP n. (Shakespeare) cowardice.
CRISPHEADScrispheads n. Plural of crisphead.
CRISPHEAD n. a variety of lettuce.
DEACONSHIPdeaconship n. The position or role of a deacon.
DEACONSHIP n. the office or ministry of a deacon or deaconess.
DISPATCHEDdispatched v. Simple past tense and past participle of dispatch.
DISPATCH v. to send off with speed.
DISPATCHERdispatcher n. Agent noun of dispatch; one who dispatches.
dispatcher n. In a transportation organization, a person who controls the movements of vehicles.
dispatcher n. (Computing) A piece of software responsible for assigning priorities and resources to tasks waiting to be scheduled.
DISPATCHESdispatches n. Plural of dispatch.
dispatches v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of dispatch.
DISPATCH v. to send off with speed.
DYSGRAPHICdysgraphic adj. Of or relating to dysgraphia.
DYSGRAPHIC n. someone suffering from dysgraphia, the inability to write.
DYSPHASICSdysphasics n. Plural of dysphasic.
DYSPHASIC n. someone suffering from dysphasia.
HEADPIECESheadpieces n. Plural of headpiece.
HEADPIECE n. any covering for the head, esp. a helmet, also HEADPEACE.
MISPATCHEDmispatched v. Simple past tense and past participle of mispatch.
MISPATCH v. to patch badly.
SCALDSHIPSSCALDSHIP n. the office of scald, an ancient Scandinavian bard, also SKALDSHIP.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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