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List of 10-letter words containing

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There are 16 ten-letter words containing A, 2C, 2L, O and T

CALCEOLATEcalceolate adj. Slipper-shaped.
CALCEOLATE adj. slipper-shaped.
CALCULATORcalculator n. A mechanical or electronic device that performs mathematical calculations.
calculator n. (Dated) A person who performs mathematical calculation.
calculator n. A person who calculates (in the sense of scheming).
CATCHPOLLScatchpolls n. Plural of catchpoll.
CATCHPOLL n. (historical) a sheriff's officer who made arrests for failure to pay a debt, also CATCHPOLE.
CATHOLICLYcatholicly adv. In a catholic manner.
Catholicly adv. In a Catholic manner, in terms of Catholicism; Catholically.
CATHOLIC adv. universal, general.
COLLOCATEDcollocated v. Simple past tense and past participle of collocate.
COLLOCATE v. to place together.
COLLOCATEScollocates v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of collocate.
collocates n. Plural of collocate.
COLLOCATE v. to place together.
COLORECTALcolorectal adj. (Anatomy) Of or pertaining to the colorectum.
COLORECTAL adj. relating to the colon and rectum.
CORTICALLYcortically adv. With respect to, or via the cortex.
CORTICAL adv. pertaining to the cortex.
FLOCCULANTflocculant n. A flocculating agent.
flocculant adj. That flocculates.
FLOCCULANT adj. clothed with small flocks or flakes.
FLOCCULATEflocculate v. (Transitive, intransitive) To collect together in a loose aggregation like flocks (tufts) of wool.
flocculate adj. Having flock form or forms.
flocculate n. A mass that has suffered flocculation.
LACCOLITESlaccolites n. Plural of laccolite.
LACCOLITE n. a mass of igneous rock intruded between two sedimentary beds, also LACCOLITH.
LACCOLITHSlaccoliths n. Plural of laccolith.
LACCOLITH n. a mass of igneous rock intruded between two sedimentary beds, also LACCOLITE.
LACCOLITIClaccolitic adj. Of or relating to laccoliths.
LACCOLITIC adj. of or like a laccolite, a mass of igneous rock intruded between two sedimentary beds.
LOCALISTIClocalistic adj. Exhibiting or relating to localism.
LOCALISTIC adj. having localism.
MALOLACTICmalolactic adj. (Winemaking) Describing a type of fermentation in which malic acid is converted into lactic acid.
MALOLACTIC adj. relating to the conversion of malic acid to lactic acid in the production of wine.
TOCCATELLAtoccatella n. (Music) A short or simple toccata.
TOCCATELLA n. a short toccata.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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