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List of 10-letter words containing

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There are 8 ten-letter words containing A, 2C, I, P and 2T

ANAPTYCTICanaptyctic adj. (Phonology) Of or pertaining to anaptyxis; of a vowel having been inserted into a word.
ANAPTYCTIC adj. relating to anaptyxis, the insertion of a vowel between two consonants for ease of pronunciation, also ANAPTYCTICAL.
CAPACITATEcapacitate v. (Transitive) To make capable of functioning in a given capacity.
capacitate v. (Transitive, zoology) To alter sperm to allow it to fertilize eggs.
capacitate v. (Transitive, mathematics) To reach maximum throughput on at least part of a constrained network.
CATALEPTICcataleptic adj. Pertaining to, or affected by, catalepsy.
cataleptic n. A person experiencing catalepsy.
CATALEPTIC adj. afflicted with catalepsy.
CATAPULTICcatapultic adj. Pertaining to a catapult or catapults.
catapultic adj. Characteristic of or resembling the propulsive motion of a catapult.
CATAPULTIC adj. of or like a catapult.
CATOPTRICScatoptrics n. The branch of optics dealing with reflection.
CATOPTRICS n. the branch of optics which is concerned with reflected light.
CYTOPATHICcytopathic adj. That damages or destroys cells.
CYTOPATHIC adj. producing pathological changes in cells.
HYPOTACTIChypotactic adj. Of or relating to hypotaxis.
HYPOTACTIC adj. relating to hypotaxis, a dependent or subordinate relationship of clauses with conjunctions.
PARATACTICparatactic adj. Pertaining to or using parataxis.
PARATACTIC adj. of pertaining to, or characterized by, parataxis, also PARATACTICAL.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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