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List of 10-letter words containing

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There are 15 ten-letter words containing A, 2C, I, 2O and P

ACROPHOBICacrophobic adj. Of or pertaining to or suffering from acrophobia.
acrophobic n. A person who has acrophobia.
ACROPHOBIC adj. suffering from acrophobia, fear of heights.
ACROPHONICacrophonic adj. Conforming to acrophony.
ACROPHONIC adj. relating to acrophony, the use of a word starting with a letter of the alphabet as the name of the letter, also ACROPHONETIC.
ASCOSPORICascosporic adj. Relating to, or composed of, ascospores.
ASCOSPORIC adj. of or like an ascospore, one of the spores contained in the asci of lichens and fungi.
AUTOSCOPICautoscopic adj. Relating to autoscopy.
AUTOSCOPIC adj. relating to autoscopy, hallucination of an image of one's body.
BAROSCOPICbaroscopic adj. Relating to, or determined by, the baroscope.
BAROSCOPIC adj. relating to a baroscope, a weatherglass.
CACOPHONICcacophonic adj. Discordant.
cacophonic adj. Unmusical.
CACOTOPIANCACOTOPIAN adj. of or like a cacotopia, a state in which everything is as bad as it can be.
CACOTOPIAScacotopias n. Plural of cacotopia.
CACOTOPIA n. a state in which everything is as bad as it can be.
CAPICOLLOSCAPICOLLO n. (Italian) a traditional Italian cold cut of pork, also CAPICOLLA.
COCHAMPIONcochampion n. Joint champion.
COCHAMPION n. a joint champion.
COMPACTIONcompaction n. The process of compacting something, or something that has been compacted.
COMPACTION n. the act of compacting.
CORNUCOPIAcornucopia n. (Greek mythology) A goat’s horn endlessly overflowing with fruit, flowers and grain; or full of whatever…
cornucopia n. A hollow horn- or cone-shaped object, filled with edible or useful things.
cornucopia n. An abundance or plentiful supply.
MONOCARPICmonocarpic adj. (Botany) (of a plant) That flowers and bears fruit only once before dying.
MONOCARPIC adj. having only one ovary; producing one fruit, also MONOCARPOUS.
OCCUPATIONoccupation n. An activity or task with which one occupies oneself; usually specifically the productive activity, service…
occupation n. The act, process or state of possessing a place.
occupation n. The control of a country or region by a hostile military and/or paramilitary force.
PROCACIOUSprocacious adj. Bold, forward, insolent.
PROCACIOUS adj. bold; impertinent.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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